“Leave Sawyer to me.” Claire looked at me curiously, obviously wondering how in hell I thought I had a chance getting through to him when he was famous for not listening to anyone except Elle. “We go back a long way, remember? I know how to break the stubborn shit down into a human being capable of reason and rational thought.” At least, I hoped I did.

“Good luck with that,” she teased, clearly believing I was taking on the impossible. Good job I like a challenge… otherwise I wouldn’t even be here right now. “Anyway, I’ve just been talking to the studio and they can’t accommodate us any earlier for the shoot.”

“No problem. It will give the guys time to hang out with the fans outside before we go.”

Appeased, Claire sauntered off to wherever she came from, giving my eyes permission to hone in on the man I have adored since I was fifteen years old. When Sawyer caught my gaze again I expected him to look away, or maybe close his eyes like he did when he began his first song. But instead, his eyes bored into mine and he stared straight back. He watched me so intently, so penetratingly, that it felt like we were completely alone in this gigantic building… like he was singing just for me, singing to me.

I needed to get out of here. For the first time in my life I had been rendered incapable of doing my job effectively and I needed out so I could think of a way to make damn sure it doesn’t happen again. Anyone could have walked right past me in that moment and beelined straight for the guys and I wouldn’t have noticed a thing because I couldn’t look anywhere else but at Sawyer.

“Pete, I need you to switch positions with me,” I spoke firmly into my radio as I gave the order.

“Ten-four, boss. On my way.”

I forced my gaze away from the stage while I waited for Pete, all the while silently begging my dick to calm the hell down. This man, Sawyer Antony Knight, has the power to either complete me, or destroy me.

“I need to talk to you,” was how I greeted Sawyer when he opened the door to his dressing room. We had an hour to wait before the stylists and makeup artists were available to prepare the guys for the shoot, so they were all chilling back in their respective dressing suites.

“Um,’kay,” he said nervously, backing into the room. I followed him inside and then turned back to the door, locking it behind me. That move caused his Adam’s apple to bulge as he swallowed nervously. “W-what’s up?”

“You looked beautiful on that stage,” I said, advancing towards him. Instinctively he backed away, but I kept moving forward until he was pressed against the wall. “My dick was so hard for you, Sawyer. It’s been hard for you since I got here.”

I flattened my palm against his heaving chest and his own hand quickly reached up to move it away, but instead it lingered, his fingers curling around my own.

“Please, Jake. You’re messing with my head. I can’t take it much longer. You were my best friend and I’ve missed that. Please don’t fuck that up.”

“But I don’t want to be your friend, Sawyer. I want to be your everything.”

“You can’t be serious. You don’t even know me anymore.” His voice was faltering. I was winning.

“I do know you. I know you better than anyone. I know you better than you know yourself. If I didn’t, how would I know that you want me to do this?” I breathed, sliding my hand down his chest until it reached the waistband of his jeans. He swallowed forcefully and then opened his mouth, to protest I assumed, but when my hand dipped inside and took hold of his cock, all that came out was a moan.

The risk I was taking was either going to be a monumental breakthrough, or the biggest mistake of my life.

“Jake… please… I don’t…”

“Shh, babe,” I whispered into his ear as I fumbled with the button on his jeans, allowing his stunning fucking erection to spring free. I almost came in my pants just from the feel of him against my fingers. “Don’t overthink this. Close your eyes if it helps.”

“Jake…” Ignoring him and his weak attempt at protesting, I dropped down to my knees. My mouth watered at the sight of his rock hard cock and when a single bead of pre-cum oozed from the tip, begging me to lick it off, I ran my tongue across my lips. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking what I want,” I answered, never looking up at him in case eye-contact frightened him away.

“Someone might come in.”

“I locked the door.”

“They might hear.”

“You’d better be quiet then.”

I paused for just a second while I waited for his next concern. When it didn’t come, I wasted no time in tasting him. After licking that glistening drop of pre-cum from the end of his beautiful cock, I swirled my tongue around the head until he started nudging at my mouth, desperate for me to take him deeper.

“Easy, boy,” I groaned against the hard flesh. Then I tormented him further by running my tongue slowly upwards from base to tip while cupping his sac with my hand. His hips squirmed impatiently and although I wanted to drag this out, savour him, show him how good it could be… I was too desperate. I’d been imagining the feel of this man in my mouth, and other places, for so many years, and my own dick was on the verge of coming from the mere thought of tasting him as he exploded down my throat.

Unable to wait any longer I wrapped my wet lips around his thick length and took him all the way to the back of my throat. He gasped in what seemed like a mixture of surprise and pleasure, and then I heard a gentle thud as he threw his head back against the wall. One of my hands rolled his already tightening balls between my fingers, while I gripped the base of his cock with my other, sliding it up and down in my mouth’s trail.