Page 128 of A Daring Passion

“Neither,” he said in clipped tones. “I simply wished to be rid of her.”

“You could have accomplished that task with a mere wave of your hand. There was no need for such generosity. Especially if you are not planning to enjoy the sweet rewards of that charity.”

Philippe heaved a sigh as he turned to regard his friend with a lift of his brows.

“Did you seek me out with a purpose?”

Belfleur hesitated before he at last gave a lift of his pudgy hands. “Carlos has commanded that you are not to be allowed alone for any length of time.”

Philippe stiffened, disliking the notion that he was being discussed behind his back as if he were a babbling idiot.

“A rather presumptuous command from a mere servant.”

Belfleur frowned in disapproval at Philippe’s cold words. “Carlos is your friend, and as your friend he is worried.”

With an effort Philippe eased his tense muscles. Belfleur was right, of course. He might find the concern of others chafing, but he would be a fool to take offense. There were few in this world he truly trusted. He could not afford to lose those that he did.

“And you have been chosen to become my nanny?” he teased in an effort to lighten the mood.

Belfleur readily followed his lead as he gave a loud laugh. “A daunting task, I will admit.”

“Do not fear. I have not yet taken leave of my senses. The city of Paris is safe from my wrath for the moment.”


nbsp; “I must admit to some relief.” Belfleur cast a glance about the pale ivory buildings. “I am rather fond of ‘Cara Lutetia,’ as the Emperor Julian once called Paris.”

Philippe flashed his companion a startled glance. “Meu Deus, do not tell me that you have actually read a book?”

“Do not spread that ghastly tale about. I should hate to lose my reputation as an uneducated brute.”

Philippe made a rude sound. “No one who knows you, Belfleur, would ever think you were anything but shrewd, ruthless and as lethal as a snake hiding in the grass.”

“Here, now. You shall make me blush.”

“I doubt if you have blushed since you left the nursery.”

“True enough.”

They both fell silent as they stared into the shadows. Philippe paid little heed to the sounds just beyond the alley. He had no interest in the screeching vendors or drunken revelers or brawling street thugs. His entire attention was trained upon listening for the soft sound of footsteps that would portend one of the pickpockets returning to offer his report.

For long moments they remained standing side by side, and then Belfleur reached up to lay a hand on Philippe’s arm.

“You do know that you cannot stand out here the entire night? You will freeze what few wits you have remaining.”

“I will come in later.”

The older man heaved a faint sigh. “This woman…she must mean a great deal to you.”

Philippe grimaced. “I seem to be hearing that oft of late.”

“Can you deny it?”

He could not, of course. Over the past hours he had been forced to accept that the thought of his life without Raine was a bleak destiny that he could not bear to contemplate.

Until she had arrived he had merely gone through his days with a single-minded determination to build his business, and on occasion, to assist the king. There had been nothing beyond his duty and responsibility.

He had been cold and alone without ever realizing that such warmth could be found in the companionship of a woman.