Page 28 of The Wildest Heart

“Marta!” My eyes widened in shocked amazement. “But you’ve never talked about this before. You’ve never even mentioned…”

“The señorita did not ask me. I told myself, perhaps the señorita already knows of all this, or perhaps she will not want to know unpleasant things that have happened in the past.”

My brows drew together as I stared at her.

“But I did want to find out all I could. I asked you questions—”

“Only about your padre, señorita! Why should I speak of other things? Jules told me I was not to become a gossipy old woman. ‘The books that the patron used to write in will tell her everything,’ he told me. ‘She will understand matters without your interference, woman.’”

Her lips trembled slightly, as if she was sorry for having spoken at all and I spoke more gently.

“Oh Marta, I’m not angry with you! Of course I’m not But all this time… why did you speak out today?”

She looked around the room almost furtively, although we were alone, and lowered her voice.

“It was because… oh, señorita, you promise you will not tell anyone? And especially not the patron Shannon, for this kind of rumor always puts him in a terrible rage. But I’ve heard—that is, when Jules went to Santa Rita for supplies yesterday he swears that he saw the señor Lucas. He was different, he said, he looked much older and wore a beard, but Jules knew him, and he saw that Jules had recognized him.”

“Do you think, because he was recognized, that he’ll try to do you or Jules some harm?” I asked sharply, but she shook her head.

“Oh no, no, señorita! He would not harm us. It is the fact that he is here. We asked ourselves, why does he take such risks? The señor Shannon, he has put a price on Lucas Cord’s head. Dead or alive. It made your father very angry indeed, and he would have done something about it, I think, if he had not been so ill, so weak.”

“Well, why do you think that this Luke Cord has suddenly decided to risk his neck?” I gave her a long, level look. “Marta, you’ve gone too far to stop now. I must know, don’t you see? What do you think is the reason for his sudden reappearance?” My voice hardened. “Did you think he might attempt to rob me tonight? Is that why you warned me?”

“No. Please, señorita! It is not that. He would not hurt you because you are the daughter of Guy Dangerfield. But if they think that the señor Shannon has won you to his viewpoint, that you and he—”

Her words trailed off miserably, and she avoided my eyes, so I went to her, touching her shrinking shoulder.

“You saw what happened that afternoon?”

She nodded, wordless, unhappy.

“But then you saw too that I sent him away! I hate that man! But he is my partner, and we must come to some kind of understanding, don’t you see that? And as for other people, I owe them no explanations! I intend to draw my own conclusions, and make my own decisions, Marta, and Mr. Shannon is not the only person who must understand this!”

I was angry, and puzzled too. Ha

d Marta been trying to warn me of something? But what? I could get nothing more out of her, for she grew visibly upset when I pressed her. In the end, I decided that I would speak with her later, when she was calmer and I had more time. I would tell Todd Shannon nothing, of course, but I would find out why Luke Cord had so suddenly decided to show his face in the area again.

I was to get my wish sooner than I had expected. But in the meantime, Mark arrived, and I had time only to reassure Marta in a whisper that I would not mention our conversation to a soul.

Mark had also dressed for the occasion. He was elegantly attired in well-tailored evening clothes, a pearl stickpin in his gray silk cravat. He looked rather embarrassed when Jules showed him in.

“I guess I forgot to tell you it’s to be a dress-up affair! My uncle didn’t mention it until after I’d got back! If you’d like to change…”

“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary,” I said sweetly. “I hate changing once I’m dressed, and I’m sure the gown I’m wearing will do, even if it isn’t exactly new.”

I was more certain than ever that Todd Shannon was planning to spring some kind of surprise on me. An unpleasant one, no doubt! And maybe Mark was in on it, and maybe he wasn’t. I made sure that I stayed muffled in my cloak, even when he helped me into the light traveling carriage that his uncle had thoughtfully provided.

“Do you always dress for dinner?”

“Almost always, I’m afraid! But don’t worry. I’m sure he’s only trying to impress you with the style he lives in.”

“How strange! Todd Shannon hardly strikes me as the kind of man who would pay much attention to elegant living!”

I thought I saw Mark hide a smile at my barbed tones, but then he apologized for having to leave me alone inside the carriage while he took the reins.

“Uncle Todd had this made to his order in London,” he said proudly. “And the horses are matched high-steppers. I’m afraid he doesn’t trust too many people to drive them, so the responsibility is mine tonight.”

“How flattered you must be!”