“I should never have sent her to England,” she muttered.

Although Herrick was in full agreement, he kept his thoughts to himself. The only thing that mattered at the moment was rescuing Leonida.

“You could

not have known just how dangerous or desperate your enemies could be.”

Easily sensing his disapproval, Nadia grimaced. “Do not attempt to lessen my guilt, dear Herrick. I thought of no one but myself when I sent Leonida on this mad quest. I was horrified at the thought of Alexander discovering my indiscretion and having it used against him. I thought…he might never forgive me.” Tears of regret streaked down her pale face. “Now I will never forgive myself.”

“This is doing no good, Nadia,” he said sternly. He could not allow the volatile woman to fall into despair. “We must concentrate on Leonida.”

As hoped, Nadia brushed away her tears and squared her shoulders.

The Countess might be impulsive and self-centered, but she genuinely loved her daughter.

“You are right,” she agreed. “I have my maid gathering my jewels and I have called for my solicitor to discover the precise amount of money I can raise. It will not be enough, but perhaps it will satisfy the brutes.”

“No, Nadia. You cannot pay this ransom.”

Her brows lowered at his unyielding command. “Do not tell me what I can or cannot do. Leonida is my daughter. I will do whatever necessary to save her.”

Herrick muttered a low curse, knowing he had no choice but to reveal at least a portion of his sickening fear. “I had hoped to avoid telling you this, but the man who has been blackmailing you is more than just a greedy opportunist.”

“What do you mean?”

“He is…deranged.”

She gasped, her eyes wide with horror. “A madman?”


“How do you know this?”

Herrick shook his head. Nadia would not be comforted by the realization his information came from a notorious criminal. “Please, my dear, just accept my word.”

“Dear God.” She swayed, her ashen pallor revealing the effort it took to hold on to her composure. “You think she is already…”

“No.” Herrick refused to even entertain the notion. “He is desperate for the money, so he will keep her alive until he is certain you have agreed to his demands. But I very much fear once he has possession of the money he will no longer consider her of use.” Herrick’s lips curled in contempt. “Besides, he dare not leave her to reveal his identity.”

“But you already know his identity, do you not?”

“He is not yet aware of that fact.”

With a jerky motion, Nadia was on her feet, pacing back to the window.

“Do you know how to find him?”

“I have several men searching.”

She whirled back to stab him with a frown. “That is not good enough.”

“You must trust me, Nadia.” He crossed to grasp her shoulders in a firm grip. “Can you do that?”

“I trust you, but I cannot stand aside and do nothing.”

“It will not be nothing,” he soothed, silently considering the best use of the Countess. His most important duty was to ensure she did not do something foolish that might endanger Leonida. “I need you to continue on as you are.”

“Continue on with what?”