Something that might have been disappointment flashed through the blue eyes before his features hardened.

“You are as intelligent as you are beautiful,” he taunted.

“And you, sir, are an arrogant bully.”

He grasped her chin between his fingers, his gaze focused on her lips.

“You have a quarter of an hour, Leonida. If you do not make an appearance then I will assume you are inviting me to share your dinner in bed.”

STEPPING OUT OF LEONIDA’S chambers, Stefan placed his hands flat against the wall and sucked in a deep breath.

He was a fool.

Whether it was because he had allowed his anger at Leonida’s attempt to hide from him to impetuously lead him to her bedchamber, or because he hadn’t taken advantage of being there, he had yet to decide.

In either case, he was once again hard and aching with no hope of ready relief.

With a muttered curse, he pushed away from the wall and forced himself to continue toward the servants’ staircase, where he knew Goodson would be waiting for him.

On cue, the uniformed butler stepped from the shadows, regarding Stefan with a stoic expression.

“Your Grace.”

“Well?” Stefan demanded abruptly.

Sensing his employer’s tension, Goodson came straight to the point.

“I could not approach as close as I would like since Miss Karkoff’s maid was standing guard as if she were one of those savage Cossack soldiers.”

“Yes, a most formidable woman,” Stefan agreed dryly. He had thought when he entered Leonida’s rooms he might have to physically toss the protective Sophy out of his path. “What did you manage to see?”

Goodson cleared his throat. “Miss Karkoff left her chamber shortly after you could be heard going downstairs and went directly to the Duchess’s rooms. She remained in there until the maid rushed to warn her of your approach.”

Stefan clenched his teeth, leashing his wave of disappointed fury.

He had already suspected that Leonida had some purpose in suggesting that she and Brianna come to Meadowland. And he was not vain enough to suppose it was an overwhelming desire to be closer to him.

Now his only purpose was to discover her nefarious plot.

“Did she take anything from the room?”

Goodson shrugged. “There was nothing in her hands.”

“Have her room searched while she is at dinner.”

“Of course, sir.”

The butler was turning away when Stefan halted him. “Goodson.”

“Yes, your Grace?”

“Did Benjamin track down the strangers he caught on the grounds?”

“I fear not.” The butler’s stoic expression hardened with frustration. “The innkeeper claimed that he has not had any foreign guests for months and no one in the village recognized the description of the villains.”

“Have him continue to search through the neighborhood, but request that he be discreet. I would prefer no one realize that I am suspicious of their presence.”

“Very good.”