“According to my brother, the Emperor rarely keeps anyone informed of his movements.”

Well, that was true enough. Unfortunately.

“Do you have a specific interest in Czar Alexander?”

The handsome features hardened with an unmistakable warning. “I am very fond of Alexander Pavlovich, but he does possess a habit of putting my brother at risk when it suits his purpose.”

She blinked in confusion. “I understood that Lord Summerville had resigned his position with the Emperor?”

“Yes, he has.”

Was that his suspicion? That she had come to Surrey to lure Lord Summerville back to Russia?

Hastily she was on her feet, hoping to disguise the flood of relief that raced through her.

“I should return to Hillside before Lady Summerville begins to worry.”

“But you have not yet chosen a book,” he protested, rising from the chair to stand at her side.

“Perhaps another day. A woman in Lady Summerville’s condition must not be made anxious.”

“Condition?” His brows lifted. “Did Brianna tell you she is increasing?”

“Not precisely, but it was not difficult to surmise considering…” She broke off her words, suddenly realizing it was not her place to reveal that poor Brianna spent most mornings battling her nausea.

“So, I am not the only who is shrewd.”

“Hardly shrewd,” she denied. If she had a bit of sense she would never have agreed to her mother’s insane plot. “Goodbye, your Grace.”

With a hasty curtsy, she was heading for the door, not at all surprised that before she could yank the thing open, the Duke’s voice was halting her escape.

Nothing was easy when this man was near.

“I shall see you at dinner, of course.”

Reluctantly she turned, rather disconcerted to discover that he had moved to stand behind his desk.


“My brother has very kindly invited me to dine at Hillside.”

Her heart jerked at his words, but she knew it was not from fear. “I see. Then until later, your Grace.”

“A moment, Miss Karkoff,” he murmured, once again halting her escape, bending down to pluck something from the floor.


Straightening, he held out his hand. “Your hairpin, I believe.”

This time it was fear that made her heart leap and her blood run cold. Damn. How could she have been so careless?

Frozen in place, she frantically searched her mind as he smoothly crossed the room.

“I…it must have fallen out while I was admiring the view,” she managed to croak, her throat dry as she met his brooding gaze.

“No doubt.”

Praying her hand did not tremble, she reached to pluck the diamond hairpin from his outstretched palm.