“Thank you, Sergi, that will be all.”

The elderly servant cast an outraged glare toward Stefan before performing a stiff bow. Clearly the Duke had forced his way into the house, offending the poor butler who was unaccustomed to such a determined gentleman.

“Very well.”

The man shuffled away and Leonida returned her attention to Stefan, who was smiling with an unrepentant satisfaction.

“There was no need to bully my servants,” she chastised.

“I am weary of waiting on your doorstep.”

“I agreed to join you,” she muttered. “I do not go back on my word.”

“Then blame my lack of manners on my eagerness to be at your side.”

“You can be at her side in the shelter of her home,” Pyotr said from across the room. “There is no need to drag her about St. Petersburg.”

Stefan’s lips twitched, but his gaze never strayed from Leonida’s face.

“Since Vanya Petrova was kind enough to lend me use of her carriage there will be no need to actually drag Miss Karkoff.”

Pyotr snorted, unimpressed with Stefan’s quip. “It is still dangerous.”

With a rueful sigh, Stefan turned his head to meet the groom’s sour gaze.

“Do not fear, Pyotr, I have brought a groom and two outriders to stand guard. Miss Karkoff will be well-protected.”

“I do not like it.”

“Perhaps not, but I am certain that Miss Karkoff is weary of being trapped in this house,” he pointed out gently. “She is no longer a prisoner and she deserves to feel the sunlight on her face.”

Leonida’s heart threatened to melt. No one but Stefan had ever bothered to notice her craving for the delicious warmth of a sunny day or the need for a room heated by a fire. Perhaps it would seem like nothing to most women, but to her it was…astonishing.

“I will be fine, Pyotr. Remain here and keep a watch upon Mother.”

The groom muttered something beneath his breath, but with no authority to keep Leonida confined to the house he gave a grudging nod of his head. “If you insist.”

Ignoring the man’s warning glare, Stefan took Leonida’s arm and escorted her through the house, pausing at the front door while she pulled on a chip bonnet with peach ribbons. Then, allowing Sergi to open the door, he led her down the stairs to the open black carriage with white leather seats.

Leonida vaguely recognized the servant holding the reins of the matched pair of grays, as well as the two side riders who were attired in the Duke’s uniforms. She had occasionally caught sight of them during her stay at Meadowland.

She was surprised, however, that Boris was not among the guards. She had sensed that he was aggressively determined to remain at Stefan’s side until they returned to England.

Once they were settled, the carriage jerked into motion, the sharp sound of hoofs striking against the cobbled streets echoing through the quiet neighborhood.

Leonida remained silent as they headed away from the house, savoring the delicious sunlight that poured over her with welcoming warmth. Stefan had been right. She had been lingering in the house too long.

Not that she intended to admit as much to the man seated far too close to her side.

He was already arrogantly certain she found him irresistible.

“Where are we going?” she at last demanded as they clattered over a narrow bridge leading away from the city.

“I thought you would enjoy a drive through the countryside,” Stefan retorted, shifting so he could face her. “Does that please you?”

“Do you truly care if I am pleased or not?” she asked tartly.

He ignored her question, instead reaching out to lightly touch the shadows beneath her eyes.