
“The fool could not even hold on to Paris in the end,” he retorted. “And surely you would not condemn us to the rule of the fat Bourbon King?”

The Czar’s gaze instinctively shifted to the imposing portrait of Catherine.

“No, Grandmother would have cursed me from her grave. She was determined to have me upon the throne.”

“A wise choice.”

“Was it?”

“I never had a doubt.”

Alexander Pavlovich turned to regard Herrick with shadowed eyes. “We should all be so fortunate to share your confidence. I am plagued with constant doubt.”

Herrick was careful to keep his expression unreadable. The Emperor’s fits of melancholy were becoming increasingly worrisome. Unfortunately he could battle against traitors and secret societies and even assassins, but he had no weapon to keep Alexander Pavlovich safe from his own fears.

“Is there something particular upon your mind?” he asked gently.

With an effort the Emperor shrugged off his dark mood, the blue eyes sharpening with the force of his shrewd mind.

“Yes, Herrick, there is.”

“How may I serve you?”

Moving to the desk, Alexander Pavlovich poured a glass of brandy. “You may inform me what game the Countess Karkoff is playing.”


“Nadia has many talents, but the ability to deceive me is not among them. I have known she was troubled since my return to St. Petersburg. I did not press her because I assumed she would be comforted by Leonida’s return, but matters have only become worse.” Alexander Pavlovich leaned against the desk as he sipped the brandy. “Now she refuses to even leave her bed.”

Herrick shrugged, silently cursing Nadia for forcing him into the discomfiting encounter.

“You did say she sent word she was ill.”

“If she was truly ill then she would not have declined the offer of my personal physician, nor would she have pleaded that I not visit until she is fully recovered. Nadia adores having others fuss over her.”

“True enough.”

“My first thought, I will admit, was a suspicion that Nadia had taken a lover.”

Herrick’s brows rose in genuine astonishment. “Nadia has been ever faithful, Sire.”

Seemingly reassured, Alexander Pavlovich studied Herrick with a steady gaze.

“Something is preying upon her. I want to know what it is.”

“Then should you not be having this conversation with the Countess?”

“Not if I wish to discover the truth.”

Herrick’s lips twitched. The Countess had never been famed for her honesty if a lie would suit her better.

“You wish me to question her?”

“Herrick, you are not foolish enough to pretend that you are not fully in Nadia’s confidence,” the Emperor warned softly. “She has always depended upon you when she is in trouble. And, of course, there is nothing that occurs in St. Petersburg that does not reach your ears.”

Herrick grimaced, knowing he was cornered. The Emperor was not stupid, despite his habit of ignoring troubles he preferred to leave in the hands of others. When he demanded answers, he expected to get them.