“First I desire you to tell me what interest you have in the Englishman.”

“Can I have your assurance of discretion?”

A dark brow arched. “Would you trust me if I gave you my word?”

Herrick did not hesitate. His true talent had always lain in reading a person’s character.


The golden eyes flared with an indefinable emotion. “Then you have it.”

Herrick came straight to the point. “It is possible that Sir Charles is currently blackmailing a prominent member of the Russian court.”

“I see.”

“You do not appear particularly surprised.”

“I will admit that I am occasionally a wicked man, mon ami. I am ruthless, fond of luxury and beautiful women, and not overly concerned with the morals that plague others.” He paused, his jaw tightening. “But I am not evil. There is nothing you could tell me regarding Sir Charles that would come as a surprise.”

“Evil.” Herrick felt an answering revulsion toward Sir Charles. If the rumors were true the Englishman deserved to be skinned and left for the rats to gnaw on. “Yes, a perfect description.”

The brief display of anger was swiftly hidden behind Tipova’s engaging smile.

“Besides, I suspected he must be doing something of the sort.”

“And why would you suspect such a thing?”

“Because, my dear Gerhardt, I am blackmailing him.”

Herrick did not bother to act surprised. It was precisely what he had assumed and why he had sought out this meeting in the first place.

“Would you be willing to share the details of what you hold over the man?”

“Only if you are willing to be equally forthcoming.”

A flare of insight prevented Herrick from uttering the threat that hovered on his lips. Dimitri Tipova devoted his life to flouting the rules and daring the authorities to try and toss him into prison.

No. He would never be intimidated.

“You know that is not possible,” Herrick retorted.

“Then it would appear we are at a tragic impasse.”

Herrick drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, easily shifting tactics.

“Are you are aware that Sir Charles has left St. Petersburg?”

“I had surmised as much.”

“Do you happen to know where he has gone?”

“I have a fair notion.”

“Will you share the information with me?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”