a great number of people who depend upon him.”

“So I have noticed,” Leonida said dryly, recalling the unwelcome servants who filled the house.

“He is a very fine duke. Just like his father.”

Leonida pretended an interest in a nearby rose bloom. She suspected that Brianna was aware of far more than she allowed others to believe.

“Did you know the previous Duke well?”

“Yes.” With a faint sigh, Brianna moved to settle on a nearby bench. “I was in London when he and the Duchess died, but I spent a great deal of my childhood here. My own parents…well, let us just say they were unsuited to wed and even more unsuited to have a child. My only solace was coming to Meadowland where I was welcomed as one of the family.” She glanced toward the sprawling mansion. “This was a place of great joy and great love.”

Leonida nodded. She had easily been able to sense the happiness that seemed to have seeped into the very stone of Meadowland, as if just waiting for an opportunity to fill the air once again.

“Did you know then that you would wed Edmond?”

“Good heavens, no.” Brianna’s chuckle filled the rose-scented air. “He terrified me. I was much closer to Stefan.”

Leonida felt a ridiculous pang. Not that she believed that Brianna was anything but devoted to Lord Summerville, but there was no denying that she held a special place in Stefan’s heart.

“I see.”

“He was like a brother to me,” Brianna said, an odd hint of amusement in her voice. “Now he is truly my brother. I could not be more delighted.”

Leonida stroked the velvet petal, considering Stefan and Edmond.

“I cannot claim your acquaintance with the brothers but I must admit that I find the Duke far more…” She searched for the proper word. “Intimidating than your husband.”

“You are very perceptive.”

Leonida turned to meet Brianna’s startled gaze. “Why do you say that?”

“Most people are fooled by Stefan’s quiet manner and dislike for the foolishness of society, but beneath his calm composure is a formidable intelligence and a ruthless will.” She deliberately paused. “I would not desire to cross him.”

Leonida could not halt her shiver. “No.”

“On the other hand, he is intensely loyal and would do anything in his power to protect those he loves.”

Leonida returned her attention to the roses, unable to dismiss her insatiable fascination with the Duke of Huntley.

“It is odd that he has not yet wed.”

“You must recall that Stefan and Edmond were raised by parents who were utterly devoted to one another. Neither could be satisfied with anything less in their marriage.”

Leonida’s heart sank at Brianna’s words. Stupid. Of course, a gentleman such as Stefan would choose a woman he could love without reservation. A woman of beauty and grace and charm. A woman of unshakable morals whom he could always trust.

She hastily quashed the dangerous thoughts. The next Duchess of Huntley was none of her concern.


“Edmond certainly found such devotion,” she murmured.

“Yes, well, it might not be so simple for Stefan.” Brianna laughed wryly. “Not that Edmond’s and my courtship was without its difficulties, but Stefan is consumed with his duties as Duke. I think he always fears that he will somehow fail his father. A ludicrous notion, but…”

“But he feels the weight of his responsibilities?” Leonida finished for her companion.

“Too much. He never gives himself the opportunity to meet a woman who can win his heart. I worry for him.”

Leonida shrugged. “He is still young.”