His expression hardened. “My name is Stefan.”

“Fine.” She blew out an exasperated sigh. “Stefan.”

“Until later.”

With a stiff bow, the Duke turned to make his way toward the door. Abruptly, Leonida realized she was about to allow a perfect opportunity to slip through her grasp.

“Your…” She swiftly corrected herself as Stefan turned to stab her with a warning frown. “Stefan.”


“I hope you do not mind if I explore your beautiful home while I am here?”

Despite her determinedly casual tone he stilled at her request. He looked like…what? A predator that had spotted his prey?

“I will be pleased to take you on a tour before dinner.”

“No, I…” She halted to clear her throat. “I would not want to take you from your duties. I am quite capable of wandering around on my own.”

He offered a slow dip of his head. “As you wish.”

Waiting until he had left her chambers, Leonida moved to sink onto the edge of the bed, burying her face in her hands as her body trembled with frustrated need.

“Mother, what have you gotten me into?” she muttered.

LEAVING THE IVORY CHAMBERS, Stefan was forced to halt and battle the desire that raged through him like wildfire.


He had deliberately gone into Leonida’s room to catch her off guard. Not a particularly admirable ploy, but it had succeeded. A mere glance at her rummaging through the drawers of the dresser had proven she had been searching for something. Something she obviously thought was hidden at Meadowland.

Not that he could imagine what it might be.

And within a few moments in her company, he no longer gave a bloody hell.

At the mere sight of her standing next to the bed, her jasmine scent filling his senses, he had been lost.

If she had not pushed him away, he would have taken her then and there.

Christ, he wished that he had taken her. At least then his body would not be aroused to the point of pain.


The familiar voice of his butler was nearly as good as being tossed in the middle of a freezing lake.

The savage need faded—although he suspected it would never be truly gone, at least not until he had Leonida spread beneath him—and he was able to turn to face his servant with a measure of composure.

“Yes, Goodson?”

“It may be nothing, but I thought you should know.”

“What is it?”

“Benjamin caught two ruffians in the copse of woods just south of the house.”

Stefan frowned. “Poachers?”

Goodson gave a lift of his hands. “They claimed they were staying in the local village and were merely admiring the grounds.”