Edmond shoved his fingers through his dark curls. A sure indication he was not as calm as he appeared.

“None with the least amount of diplomatic skills.”

“As if diplomacy has ever swayed the Queen from her outrageous behavior.”

“Yes, it is rather a pity she did not remain abroad,” Edmond muttered. “Still, I am not without pity for her. The marriage might have been less a tragedy if she had not been treated with such open contempt by her husband and those who surrounded him.”

That was true enough. The King had not only flaunted his mistress with utter disregard, but he had made no effort to disguise his disgust for his new bride.

“I agree, but there is no healing the wounds after all these years. She will go to any lengths to have her revenge. And what could be more tempting than embarrassing the King during such a public spectacle?”

Edmond heaved a sigh. “I must at least make the attempt.”

“When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

Stefan blinked in surprise. “I have always known Brianna to be efficient, but surely not even she can prepare to undertake a journey so swiftly?”

Edmond’s features hardened. “Brianna will be remaining in Surrey.”

“Good lord. Have you told her?”

Edmond’s short laugh echoed through the shadowed garden. “She was not pleased to say the least, but she eventually had to concede that traveling any distance in a carriage is beyond her at the moment.”

Stefan’s concern was not eased. “I am happy to know she is being sensible, but do you truly think that she should be left alone here with Miss Karkoff?”

“Mon Dieu, Stefan, you do not

believe the woman is here to harm my bride?” Edmond demanded in exasperated tones.

Stefan recalled his violent confusion of emotion when he had stepped into his library to discover Leonida. Suspicion, anger and a raw, relentless desire at the sight of her simple beauty that seemed to glow in the slanting sunlight.

“I have no notion why she is here, and that is what troubles me,” he muttered.

There was a pause before Edmond folded his arms across his chest.

“Then you will be pleased to discover that Leonida is as concerned for Brianna’s welfare as you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“She seems to believe you would make a suitable chaperone.”


“The implication was that Brianna, and Miss Karkoff of course, would stay at Meadowland until my return.”

Stefan stilled. “Miss Karkoff suggested that they stay at Meadowland?”


“Now that is intriguing.”

“And not entirely unpalatable, eh, Stefan?”

Unpalatable? Stefan’s lips twisted. A wicked heat speared through his body at the mere thought of having Leonida so close at hand.

“It will be much easier to keep an eye upon her if she is under my roof.”