She waved a hand in a dismissive motion. “There is no danger of him discovering the truth.”

“Then you have the letters?”

“No, but…”

“But?” he prompted as her words faded.

“Herrick Gerhardt is confident that he will be capable of tracking them down.”

He took another step forward, drawn to her with an irresistible compulsion. He was well and properly bewitched, he acknowledged, brushing a finger down the length of her stubborn jaw.

“And in the meantime they might be used to once again blackmail the Countess, or worse, sold to those willing to make your mother’s confessions a source of public humiliation for the Emperor,” he insisted. “If that were to occur, Alexander Pavlovich is bound to hold me at least partially responsible for not warning him of the potential threat.”

She shivered, making no effort to pull away from his lingering touch. “You intend to tell him?”

“Unless you can convince me it is in my interest not to.”

Frustration rippled over her beautiful features. “Do you have no concern for Russia at all?”

“Why should I?”

“It was the homeland of your mother. You did say that she remained loyal to the crown.”

Stefan narrowed his gaze, reminded of the numerous risks that Edmond had taken in the name of Alexander Pavlovich.

“My family has done its duty to the Russian Empire,” he said, his voice edged with warning. “You are going to have to find some means beyond guilt to keep my lips closed.”

“And what would those means be?”

A wicked smile curved his mouth. “I think they should be fairly obvious.”

“Why you…”

Her hand lifted to slap his face, but with a smooth motion Stefan captured her wrist and brought her fingers to his lips.

“Careful, Leonida.”

She glared at him with impotent anger. “If you think for a moment you can threaten me into sharing your bed then you must have lost your wits, along with any claim to chivalry.”

“Gentlemen with chivalry are inevitably a tedious bore,” he murmured against her palm.

“It is not surprising you would think so.”

He chuckled, indifferent to her insult. “Has it occurred to you that such a paragon of virtue would never be capable of understanding how a proper young maiden could manipulate her way into a man’s home and then seduce him so she could escape with his property?”

He heard her breath catch. “I did not seduce you.”

“What a poor memory you possess, my dove.” He shifted her hand to kiss the sensitive skin of her inner wrist. “Perhaps you need to be reminded of your power over a hapless gentleman.”

She groaned softly before wrenching her arm away and rubbing it against her skirt. As if she could wipe away the feel of his touch. And her violent reaction.

“You are merely attempting to distract me.”

He lifted his brows, allowing her to escape. They both knew she was vulnerable to his touch. “I thought we were negotiating.”

“I do not negotiate with my body,” she hissed.

“A pity,” he countered, not entirely teasing. “But you were the one to assume that I intended to demand your presence in my bed in exchange for my silence.”