She smiled with rueful amusement. When she had first returned home her mother had been nearly hysterical with relief, barely allowing Leonida out of her sight. Then Nadia had learned that the letters were once again missing. She had taken to her bed, refusing to believe that her world was not coming to a ghastly end.

“We both know she will not be fully recovered until the letters are returned and the danger of scandal is at an end,” Leonida said, her voice pitched low.

“It is not in Nadia’s nature to hide from trouble.”

“She is still blaming herself for my unexpected adventures and has convinced herself that she is destined to be properly punished by having her sins exposed to Alexander Pavlovich.”

Herrick shook his head, a hint of impatience rippling over his gaunt face. “She has always possessed a love for the melodramatic. I will speak with her.”

“You are always welcome, Herrick, but I am not certain that even your powers of persuasion will persuade Mother to leave her bed.”

“I will simply point out that her continued absence from the palace is stirring the Czar’s suspicion that she is avoiding his company.” A glint of humor softened his dark eyes. “If that fails I shall say that the Court is beginning to whisper that Alexander Pavlovich has at last wearied of her and has banned her from his presence.”

Leonida chuckled, easily imagining her mother’s horror at the mere thought. She would be scrambling from her bed before her maid could pull back the covers.

“You are a devious man, Herrick Gerhardt.”

“I should be, I have had years of practice.” He reached out, cupping her chin to study her pale face. “Now, my dear, why do you not tell me what you are doing here?”

Leonida cursed the luck that had crossed her path with this all too shrewd man. He knew her far too well.

“I was invited. Is there a reason I should have declined?”

“You know that the Duke of Huntley will be attending?”

“Will he?”

Herrick narrowed his piercing gaze, not fooled for a moment by her innocent tone.

“Leonida, if you even consider the notion of putting yourself in danger again I will have you put in shackles and hauled to Siberia.”

She pulled away from his grip with an aggravated sigh. There were moments when she wearied of being treated as a witless child rather than a grown woman.

At least Stefan…

No. She would not allow herself to think of him as her tender lover. She was furious with him.

“And how could I possibly be in danger surrounded by the Czar’s personal guard?” she demanded. “Not to mention that Pyotr refuses to allow me out of the house without him at my side. He even rode beside the Princess’s carriage tonight, as if I were going to be attacked in the middle of St. Petersburg.”

“There are many varieties of danger,” Herrick observed in a hard voice. “I do not trust the Duke.”

Leonida blinked, rather startled by the older man’s reaction to Stefan. He had always been devoted to Edmond. Surely the brothers were not so different?

“You believe he is a threat?”

“I believe that he is a man fascinated by a woman and that he is not thinking as clearly as he should.” The older man shifted, as if discomfited by the conversation. “He could easily tarnish you with scandal.”

Equally ill at ease, Leonida glanced toward the passing guests. How could Herrick possibly suspect Stefan’s desire to have her in his bed?

Surely the Duke had not been so tasteless as to reveal their brief affair?

“I have agreed to trust you to retrieve those horrid letters,” she said stiffly. “You must trust me to manage the Duke of Huntley.”

Herrick’s expression tightened. “And how do you intend to manage Huntley?”

Since she hadn’t the least notion, Leonida could have happily kissed the uniformed servant who halted directly beside Herrick and performed a deep bow.

“Pardon me, sir, but the Emperor has requested your presence.”