Page 45 of The Virgin Duet



We look at each other and smile. “Tink, I need to know. There is so much that is unknown and I can’t stand any more surprises with this baby. I have to have control over something.”

She reaches up and touches the side of my face, and she sees all the anxiety I have in my heart about her and our child. I want to give her everything in the world, but I need this. She gives me a small smile and nods in concession. “Okay, let’s find out,” giving the doctor the okay.

After a few minutes of going through the motions and the doctor telling us our baby is healthy and growing like it’s supposed to, some of my anxiety leaves and I feel like I can breathe a little.

“Looks like there’s a stem on the apple. Congratulations, it’s a boy,” Dr. Long says, and I feel like the smile on my face is so big it could break records. I look over at my little fairy and she’s all tears and laughter. I lean over and embrace her and we have a quiet moment together of just being profoundly happy. I would been happy no matter what we are having, but finding out together is special and something I’ll always treasure.

As we exit the doctor’s office I don’t see Hank’s car. “That’s weird,” I say, and continue to search the parking lot for him. I feel the hair rise on the back of my neck, like someone is watching us, and wrap my arm around Tink, holding her tight to me. I feel exposed standing outside, and pull out my cell. “Let’s go back inside and wait. It’s not safe like this.”

She looks up at me but nods her head in agreement as she uses her hands to protectively cover her belly. Just as we turn around, I spot movement out of the corner of my eye and I hear flashes going off. I look around and suddenly we are being swarmed with cameras and phones and paparazzi are everywhere. “Hold tight to me, Tink,” I snarl and pick her up, all but running to the doors of the doctor’s office. I have to elbow a few people out of the way and my panic rises as they crowd us and ask questions about who Rebecca is and how far along she is. I realize I’m holding my entire world in my arms and it’s my job to protect them. I shut down my panic and do what needs to be done. When I make it through the doors, the nurses at the counter rush to help us. They take Tink and help her to a wheelchair and start questioning her. I see Dr. Long come out and she’s over with her in an instant to make sure she is all right. The paparazzi are outside the building, but the windows are tinted so they can’t see in.

Immediately, I pull out my cell and start calling Hank. When he doesn’t pick up, I know it’s bad. I try three more times just to be sure, and when there’s still no answer I give up. I’ve got to get Tink out of here before I can worry about Hank. He’s a big boy and well trained. If he’s not dead, he’ll find a way home.

“Here,” Dr. Long says, and hands me her keys. “I’m parked in the private lot out back, take my car and get out of here safely. Rebecca is a little shaken up, but otherwise okay to leave. I have no idea how the press found out you were here, but I’ll find out and take care of it. I promise you this won’t happen again. I can come to your home for visits from now on.”

“That would be much appreciated, thank you,” I say, and pick Tink up.

“I can walk, Bray,” she whispers in my ear, but I ignore her. We both know Hank being gone isn’t a good sign and if this is the only thing I can do right now to protect her, I will.

“This is why we don’t leave the penthouse,” I say through gritted teeth. I’ll never get used to how bad the press can be and how harassing they are. I just get better at hiding in my tower and only coming out for work and certain events.

“Take us back, I’m scared.”

“I’ve got you. No one will touch my fairy.”

“Still no answer?” Tink asks from the tub.

“None. And his tracker is off. His phone must have been disabled. I’ve called a few people and they are looking into it.” As soon as we got back I put her in a warm bath to relax while I made phone calls.

I talked to five of my guys that I use besides Hank and the last trace we can get is near Nico’s club. I’m not shocked in the least. I’m also pretty sure Nico is the one who let the media know about the baby and where we were to cause a scene. I’m sure he’s disappointed he didn’t get Rebecca at the same time, and my rage boils at the thought.

“Maybe you should come get in the bath with me for a bit. I think you need to relax, too.”

“You and I both know what will happen if I get in that bath.”

Tink giggles a little and spreads her arms wide as if in invitation. “That’s the point, Vanilla.” It amazes me how easily she’s able to emotionally process things in a situation like this, but then I remind myself that she’s had a hard life too, and this isn’t the worst thing she’s been through.

“All right, but no funny business,” I say, and she gives me a wicked smile.

I strip down and get in the tub behind her, letting the ungodly amount of bubbles surround us.

“How many bottles of bubble bath did you use?”

“Don’t act like you don’t enjoy them. Look at all the fun we can have,” she says, and turns around in my arms. She’s giving me a big smile and then leans back a little at my questioning face.