Page 41 of The Virgin Duet

My jealousy rises once again. I’ve been gone for three months, and I wonder if maybe he’s moved on. Did he realize that sex was his thing and now he wants to make up for lost time? I still don’t know why he was a virgin. One thing’s for sure, if he wants me to stay here with him I’m going to get some answers about who Bray is.

I laugh at that thought. Who am I kidding? I might not have any choice but to stay here. The clipped wings comments is still floating around in my head, and I’ll stay anywhere if it keeps me and my baby as far away from Nico as humanly possible.

Rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, I turn off the shower, grab a towel and dry my hair. The pink and purple bleed onto his big, fluffy, white towel and it makes me smile. I see my robe still hanging next to Bray’s, but the idea that someone else might have used it has me reaching for his instead. Sliding it on, I quickly brush my teeth and comb my hair before heading back to the bedroom.

Bray is pacing beside the bed like a tiger, and a woman is standing in the entrance of the bedroom, looking out of place.

When no one says anything, I give an awkward, “Hi.” The tension in the room is high and I’m not sure what to think of it.

“Let’s move this to the living room,” Bray says in a clipped tone, and I’m sure it’s because this new person is standing where she is. I’ve learned a lot about his weird behaviors, and this is one of them. I want us all to be comfortable, so easing the tension right now is what I need to do.

“Sure. Lead the way,” I say to Bray, and I can see him visibly relax a little. He takes my hand and we show this new person to the living room.

“Rebecca, I’m guessing,” says the petite woman, reaching out her hand and giving me a soft handshake. She doesn’t look old enough to be a doctor, her wavy strawberry blonde hair barely hits her shoulders, and her green eyes look large and innocent. Maybe she’s just intimidated by Bray, or maybe they have a history. She looks over at Bray and when her eyebrows rise, I look over at him too. He’s started pacing again, but looks less tense.

“Yes, I’m Rebecca, but please call me Becs,” I say, dropping her hand.

“I’m Dr. Grange, but you can call me Samantha. I’m in pediatrics, so most of my patients call me that anyway. I’ve met Bray a few times, but didn’t realize you lived here as well. Sorry to meet under these circumstances, but let’s see what I can do to help you.” She gives me a soft smile and I feel a little more at ease. I give a small nod in agreement, and she continues.

“Okay, Becs, why don’t you have a seat on the couch and tell me what happened,” she says while sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

I give her a watered-down version of the story about getting my head knocked into a car door and not really eating much the past few days. As I recount some of the details, I see Bray stop pacing and come over to where we are seated. He sits beside me, but then it’s as if that’s not close enough, and he moves behind me on the couch, engulfing me in his body. I melt at the wonderful sensation, and let my body mold into his.

The doctor looks over my head, and smiles a little. After she looks me over, she pulls out her medical bag and draws some blood.

“How does your head feel right now? Tender at all? Headaches or dizziness?”

“No, not since yesterday. I keep getting nauseous but I’m not sure if that’s from my head or the baby,” I respond, absently rubbing my belly. Something I find myself doing a lot of now.

“And the baby?” she asks, reaching out to touch my stomach, but I feel Bray tense up behind me. She must have caught his response too because she pulls her hand back, and makes an apologetic face.

“Sorry, that was forward of me. Being a pediatrician and all, I can’t get enough of babies.”

“No, Samantha, it’s fine. I’m just a little on edge tonight, I apologize.”

Nodding her head, making her strawberry blonde waves bounce, she starts to pack up her bag.

“You seem fine, but I’m going to go ahead and send your blood work in to make sure everything is fine. Just let me know which OBGYN you’re using and I’ll send the info there. I want you to go to that doctor tomorrow and I’ll make sure your labs are there before you arrive.”

“I don’t have one,” I say, trailing off and feeling embarrassed that I’m this far along in my pregnancy and I’ve yet to go see a doctor about it. I picked up vitamins at the local pharmacy, but beyond that I haven’t done much.

I feel a soft kiss at my neck. “Dr. Lily Long,” Brays says against my neck.

A small laugh sounds from the doctor as she stands, “I thought you might say that. Always the best for you, Bray.”

“I’m glad to hear you approve,” Bray says before getting out from behind me and off the couch.

“If not her, I would have recommended Dr. Tomas. He’s known for—”

She is cut off by a growl that makes the doctor laugh again. The laugh shows off a dimple in her left cheek, making her look even prettier. I probably look like hell. These pregnancy hormones are making me crazy jealous.

“Long it is. I’ll have everything sent over first thing in the morning, get some liquids in her and something to eat. Make it a light dinner.”

I say goodbye to the doctor and make my way back to our bedroom.

When I hear the front door shut, I take off my robe and climb under the covers. I second guess myself if I should do this or not. Bray hasn’t invited me to stay in his bed but, hell, that’s never stopped me before.