Page 34 of The Virgin Duet

“Motherfucker!” I scream and throw the phone across the room, watching it shatter into a thousand pieces as it hits the wall.

I pull out my own phone and hit Hank’s number. I don’t wait on his greeting before I start barking orders into the phone.

“She left about an hour ago. The last call was to her brother. The phone is useless now, so don’t ask about it. She may have been taken, but it doesn’t look like there was a struggle. I don’t know but I want her home and I mean by tonight. You got that?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Hank confirms and ends the call.

I pick up her bracelet off the nightstand and squeeze it in my hands. I want to smash it into pieces as well, but I can’t. I love it because it reminds me of my Tink. I sit on the edge of the bed and hold it in my hands as if it were my fragile fairy. I close my eyes and hang my head, because I know what this means. If she were coming back I wouldn’t hurt like this, because in this moment I feel it in my soul.

She’s left me.


Three months later

“Spread your fucking legs. I want in there,” Nico says before I hear the headboard start to hit wall.

I’ve been here for maybe thirty-six hours but it feels like an eternity. I’m actually thankful for the loud banging and moans coming from the next room, it keeps the sleep at bay. It reminds me of being back in the foster system, only this time when I fall asleep there’s no one to protect me. The irony of it all is the one person who used to be my shield is the reason I’m trapped in this room. Sam. I’m not sure where he is, and I haven’t seen him for days.

“Clean yourself up. You’re working the VIP room tonight.” The woman huffs at Nico’s words, and I hear them moving around in the next room.

When I hear Nico’s door open I hold my breath, hoping he won’t come in here. That hope dies moments later when the door to my room swings open, with Nico filling the doorway, shirtless and with his jeans still undone. His jet black hair is tousled, as if the woman had been running her hands through it. The idea makes me cringe.

“Finally quit all that vomiting shit?” he says, strolling into the room. I can’t help but push myself further into the corner as he takes up more space. The bed is pressed up against the wall and I’m only cornering myself more, but there’s nowhere else to go. The only thing in the room is the full-size bed, a sheet, and some little pillows that have seen better days. The only window in the room has been sealed over with bricks, which looks to be a freshly finished job. I’m not sure where I’m at or if it’s day or night. All I know is how I got here, and that’s only in pieces.

Things had been going okay for Sam and me. I found a little studio apartment in a decent area of town. They wanted me to fill out all this paperwork, but I talked the manager out of it by paying six months’ rent up front. I used the money I had from working for Bray all those months. It took a big chunk out of it, but I picked up a job doing paperwork for a construction company shortly after. The lady in the office just paid me in cash under the table, and I did odds and ends around the office for her.

Sam has been clean since I bailed him out of jail. We just needed to stay low until Nico forgot about us. But it seems Sam ran right to him when he needed a fix. When Nico found me walking home from work he slammed my head up against the side of his car and he pulled me into the vehicle. When I finally came to, I was in this room and couldn’t stop vomiting. I’m still not sure if it was the impact of the blow that made me so sick or the morning sickness. I thought I was past that stage of my pregnancy, but I guess not. At the thought of my baby, my hands protectively cover my little baby bump.

Nico follows my movements, and a sinister smile spreads across his face. The look makes my heartbeat accelerate. He’s been leaving me alone for the most part, but he let me know Sam gave me up without so much as a fight. His words feel like an axe through the heart, because I never thought Sam would betray me.

“Now don’t be like that, Becs. That baby is going to make us a whole lot of fucking money,” he says, taking a few steps closer to me. I push back against the wall in a pointless attempt to get more space from him. Which only gets me a glare.

“You’re lucky, you know,” he says, grabbing the sheet from the bed and tossing it to the floor. “If that baby wasn’t his, I would get rid of it. You were supposed to be mine. But then I found out who he is, and what he is really worth. He’s not just some rich boy. Nope. You went and snagged yourself a billionaire. I’m betting he’s going to pay big money to get you or that baby back.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I was you,” I whisper, bringing my knees up to my chest, trying to physically disappear. Without the sheet I have no protection from him at all. After I had thrown up on myself, he gave me a shirt to wear. His. It smells like him and I can’t stand it, but it is better than nothing.

“If I was you, Becs, I would be singing another tune. Without him, I have no reason not to do what I want to do to you.” Reaching into his already-open jeans, he pulls his cock out and starts to stroke himself. “I could still use your body though.” I can feel his eyes run over my body as if they’re actually touching me.