Page 32 of The Virgin Duet

“Stay home with me today,” I plead, showing everything I feel in my eyes. “Maybe we can go out, get some lunch, and go to the park or something. It’s been forever since I went to a museum. I saw the Salvador Dali exhibit is in town. I would love to see it.” He raises his eyebrows as if he’s contemplating it. I silently beg for him to stay. Show me that I mean more, that you aren’t embarrassed to be out with me.

“Not today, Tink. I’m sorry I have—”

“A million things to do. I know,” I say, cutting him off. I don’t try to hide my disappointment.

He just stands and stares at me as if debating something.

“Maybe I’ll stop by and bring you lunch?” I ask, trying to hide the pleading tone in my voice. Now I’m just grasping for a reason to stay. As if that would really show me he wants me here.

“I can’t do that either, I’ll have people coming and going in my office all day.”

“Well, I can wait. Maybe slip in between people or something.” Jesus, I’m pathetic. Begging for an extra crumb of his time.

“I’d rather not have you just sitting outside my office.”

And there it is. He doesn’t want people to know about me. Why did he take me to the event last night? I feel my anger rising and I can’t stop the question from coming out of my mouth, though it doesn’t matter at this point. I’m leaving either way.

“Why did you take me last night?” I snap out.

“Tink,” he says, leaning in and brushing his fingers through my hair like he’s looking for something. “I’m sorry for how last night went, but I promise I won’t take you to another event, so don’t be angry with me.”

I can’t help but let out a little laugh at that. He thinks I don’t want to go because of how people treated me? No, I can deal with snide looks and judgmental attitudes, because they mean nothing to me. It’s his that bothers me. It’s always been his since the moment he stepped into that coffee shop. His judgments and comments rip at my heart. I can tell other people to shove it up their asses, but when the looks come from him, I feel like a chastised child who can’t meet the standards.

“Thanks, Vanilla. I appreciate it,” I say, sliding from the bed. “It’s fine. If you’re busy I’ll just meet up with my brother today.” Making my way to the bathroom, I realize I don’t have much stuff here that’s really mine. I can be out the door in ten minutes.

“You’ll do no such thing,” he growls from behind me. I turn to see his face is hard and he’s gearing up to fight me on this. But what’s the point? I’m leaving either way and he’ll never understand How can I abandon the one person who has always been there for me? When I was hungry would give me that last bite of food, protect me when I needed it. Sam might not being doing that now but now I was capable of doing it for him I had to.

“Okay.” He eyes me suspiciously, but I keep my face impassive.

Eating up the distance between us, he cups my face in his big hands.

“You’ll stay in this condo today. We clear on that, Tink?”

I just nod my head. I’m going to miss being called that.

He places his forehead to mine and closes his eyes as he takes a soft kiss from my lips.

When he pulls back he looks calmer than he did moments ago when he thought I was going to go out. Another reason I should get out of here. Not only doesn’t he take me out in public with him, but he doesn’t want me to leave his condo at all. In fact, now that I think about it, I haven’t left in weeks. Everything else he’s been having delivered, even the groceries. Is it so bad he really doesn’t want anyone to know I’m here, or is his addiction to sex worse than I thought?

“Keep your phone close,” he says, placing one last kiss on my lips before leaving the room. I wait until I hear the front door click closed, then I start to pack my things.

It doesn’t take long to get what few items I have together. Counting the money I confirm I have a little more than five grand in cash. The only thing of Bray’s I have is the phone, and I don’t want to be accused of taking something that isn’t mine.

I scroll through the phone until I find Sam’s number and press call. It rings once and the voice on the other end makes my skin crawl.

“Becs, I’ve been waiting for your call,” Nico says into the phone.

“Where’s Sam,” I shoot back, not wanting to talk to Nico. I’m sure he’s still pissed about the whole club incident.

“Is that any way to treat your man? I’m going to have to teach you some manners.”

“Fuck off, Nico. I would never take you up on your deal.”

“Oh, Becs, I think you’ll do whatever I tell you if it keeps Sam breathing.”

His words snake up my spine and I can feel the blood rush to my ears.

“I can pay.”

“Yes, you can,” he says in a tone that implies I won’t be paying with money.

“With cash, Nico,” I grit out. I grip the phone so hard I’m surprised it hasn’t cracked.

“I have enough cash. I have something else in mind.”

“First, where is he?” I need to know how much time I have. Does he already have Sam or can I stall?

“Oh, he’s safe for now. The cops have him in custody but when they’re done with him, I’ll take his life or I’ll take you. I need collateral to make sure Sam keeps his fucking mouth shut and you’re going to be it.”

“Collateral?” I question.

“Sam let himself fall into the cops’ hands, and he knows a little too much for my liking, but I’m guessing he’ll keep his mouth shut if I have you.”