Page 26 of The Virgin Duet

The stylist leaves just before six, and as I inspect myself in the mirror I hear the front door open. I make my way to the front living room and I hear a woman’s laughter. Rounding the corner, I see a smile spread across Bray’s face as he watches the unknown woman laugh.

“Is that so? I bet you the Byron’s account that you’re full of it,” the woman says, laughter still in her voice, neither noticing that I’ve entered the room. She’s utterly stunning. She’s almost as tall as Bray in her heels, with a slim waist and shiny black hair that falls to just above her shoulders. Her pale skin and dark hair are a bold contrast against her red dress. She’s more classically beautiful than Cindy. Her elegance and poise flow without effort.

Normally when Bray gets home, the first thing he does is seek me out. No matter where I am he has me up against the closest wall, making me tell him how much I missed him. I remember his earlier promise of inspecting me when he got home tonight, but that seems to have been forgotten.

“I swear it. She’s—” his words cut off when he sees me, and the smile that was on his face drops. He looks at me with angry eyes while the woman’s smile from before grows even bigger.

“Well, aren’t you going to introduce me, B?” the woman asks. Great, she has a nickname for him. I try to hide my eye roll of jealousy because she did just compliment me.

“My apologies. Chelsea, this is Rebecca, the woman I was telling you about.” I’m not sure what I am to Bray, but obviously he is telling this stranger who I am.

Chelsea comes forward and I reach my hand out to shake hers, but she surprises me and pulls me in for a hug. When she pulls back I have to look up to see her face because of how much taller she is than me, even in the heels I’m wearing. Her smile is so big I can’t help but return it.

“Cupcake?” she asks, holding up a little box of baked goods.

“Yes, please,” I say, realizing that I’m starving. Glancing over, I see Bray’s still standing there with a cold look on his face. It sends chills down my spine.

“Scoot along, B. Let us ladies have a snack while you get your tux on.”

“I’ll just be a moment,” he says, but he looks like he doesn’t want to leave the room. After a few beats he turns on his heels and heads for the bedroom.

“You don’t mind if I ride with you guys, do you? Even if B isn’t my date, I still have to go to this charity thing tonight. Appearances and all that jazz.”

“Of course.” What else can I say? ‘No, I want Bray all to myself’? I know Bray said he hadn’t been with anyone before me, but their comfort together is unsettling. He seemed to be having a good time until he looked up and saw me.

“That’s very sweet of you. Chocolate or red velvet?” she asks, going over to the kitchen and pulling out plates and napkins.

“Whichever you don’t want.” I don’t want to seem rude, so I go to the kitchen beside her.

“B’s always got healthy stuff in his house,” she says, winking and passing me a chocolate cupcake. I take a bite and moan around it. I didn’t realize I needed this until I started eating.

“So how do you and B know each other?” she asks, sitting down at the kitchen bar. “He mentioned there was someone special in his life but he didn’t give any details.”

“I’m helping him out while I stay here. Cleaning, I guess.” For some reason I feel embarrassed that I’m the cleaning lady.

“Are you responsible for all these stunning paintings decorating the walls?” she asks, glancing around the room at my works of art. She doesn’t comment on why I’m staying with Bray.

“Yes, they’re mine.”

“As in you brought them here or you painted them?” she questions.

“I painted them.” I feel a blush hit my cheeks at someone looking at my work.

“You have talent and they’re stunning, just like you. I love seeing all this life in B’s home. It makes me happy for him.”

I’m not sure what she means. But I just nod and take another bite of my cupcake. Feeling a little better that she likes my work. I hate how off I feel in his world sometimes.

“Rebecca, I want to be frank with you.”

“Please call me Becs.”

“Okay, Becs, I want to be honest.”

Oh fuck, here it comes. Maybe her politeness was just a mask like the one Cindy seems to wear. Whenever Bray is in the room she’s a freaking peach, but the moment he’s gone, the claws come out.

“You seem like a sweet girl, I just want you to be careful.”

“Careful?” I question.

“B’s world is harsh, and I don’t want you to get eaten alive. I’ve never seen him this happy, so whatever it is you’re doing, keep doing it.”

Before I can respond, or ask her what she means by that, Bray walks into the room. I’m not sure what to do. Normally he kisses and touches me, but now he seems to be keeping his distance and it makes me uncomfortable. Maybe he’s seeing that I don’t really fit in into his world after all—that in the light of day things aren’t so great.

“Ready?” he snaps in a cold hard voice.

“Maybe I should just stay home, and you go with Chelsea.” I’m really not feeling up to going now, and between Bray’s behavior since he walked in the door and Chelsea’s comment, I just want to crawl back into bed. Preferably the one this morning with Bray, where it was just us and nothing else. We could only live in our bubble for so long, and I’m starting to think there is no us outside that bubble.

Bray’s eyes light up at my comment, and I feel my heart break a little. He doesn’t want me to go. Even after the makeover and the stupid dress, I still don’t fit in. It’s like that day in his office all over again, only this time it’s a hundred times worse because over the past few weeks he’s made me feel like he wanted me, the real me. When it’s just us, that’s who he wants.