Page 48 of The Miles Between

Mira jumps. I turn around.

I recognize the voice before I even see him. “You know me too well, Mr. Gardian,” I answer.

He takes a few steps closer, joining us in the foyer. “I suppose after all these years I do. And this time I see you brought some partners in crime.” He sighs quite deliberately to make his point. “So, how much is this one going to cost me?”

“You mean me, don’t you?”

“Yes. You.”

/> “Probably a bundle. My parents about?”

“Destiny. Please. You know it’s not good to—”

“Never mind. Not surprised they’re gone. It’s only my birthday. Typical.”

Seth steps forward. “Sir, very sorry about the intrusion. The day just got started off on the wrong foot. Destiny’s aunt Edie had some problems with her tires—”

“Aunt Edie?” Mr. Gardian looks from Seth to me. “Destiny. She’s not back in the picture, is she?”

“Relax, Mr. Gardian. She didn’t show. I just came to give my friends the nickel tour. Can you please just give us a few minutes?” He folds his arms slowly across his chest and throws in a frown for good measure. “For old time’s sake?” I add.

His arms drop to his sides, and he finally nods. He moves awkwardly toward me and kisses the top of my head. “Happy birthday, Destiny,” he whispers. I close my eyes briefly, which allows the ache in my throat to spread to my chest. He steps back and shakes his head. “I had a little something delivered for you to Hedgebrook today. I’m sorry you weren’t there to receive it.”

“You know I don’t celebrate my birthday.”

“But I think it’s about time you did.”

“We’ll be going back soon. I’m sure Mrs. Wicket has set it aside for me.”

He smiles. “Just a few minutes now. Escrow closes today. The Realtor will be here shortly to sign the last papers.” He lowers his voice to a whisper. “And I don’t want any scenes or anything, all right?”

I whisper back to him. “My friends can still hear you, Mr. Gardian.”


“Nice to meet you, Mr. Gardian.” Seth reaches his hand out to shake like they are old buddies. Smooth.

“Edward. Edward Farrell,” Mr. Gardian says. “Mr. Gardian is just Destiny’s pet name for me. I’ve gotten used to it.”

“Oh. I see.” But it is clear he doesn’t see. Smooth Seth is caught off guard. I love being me sometimes. Not often. But sometimes.

Aidan and Mira say their hellos and good-byes too, and they follow me toward the stairs.

“Why do you call him Mr. Gardian when his name is Farrell?” Seth asks.

“He’s lying. His name is Gardian. Even my parents call him that. You can’t believe everything people tell you.”

“He seemed like a nice man,” Mira says. “I’m surprised he would lie.”

“He is a nice man,” I tell her. “But nice people lie too. You should know that by now. Come on. Let’s hurry before we all get thrown out. It’s a habit around here.”

I start up the stairs, noting the grain of the marble that’s been etched in my memory for so long, remembering the pictures I thought I saw in the patterns when I was a child. A horse. A witch. An airplane. I don’t see those pictures anymore, only a blurry swirl of gray and white. The others trail behind, but nevertheless I can hear the gasps from Mira and the whispered comments from Aidan. A few from Seth too.

“This place is huge.”

“Did you see the living room?”

“More like a ballroom.”