Surprised mumbles erupted.

Even in his weak state, my father managed to

roll his eyes. “A condition on your punishment? You haven’t changed, Arabella.”

“Oh yes, Father, I most definitely have.”

“The condition?”

“You will support me in whatever I decide, because there are many hard decsions that still lie ahead—and some of them will not be popular with everyone.”

“Unpopular like the coup?”

“Yes, that unpopular.”

“Then I approve your condition.” He looked past me at everyone else. “I am confident that Arabella will meet her punishment to my full satisfaction. Does anyone object?”

No one spoke, though I knew words silently raged on some tongues.

“Good,” my father said. “Now everyone out. I want to speak to my daughter. Alone.”

* * *

As soon as the room was emptied and I turned back to him, I saw that his performance had drained him. He sank deeper into the pillows, weaker than before.

His eyes glistened. “I am sorry, Arabella.”

I curled up on the bed beside him, nestling my head on his chest, and he managed to put his arm around my shoulder and pat my arm. He apologized for many things, not the least of which was becoming so weary of his position that he allowed corruption to creep in right beneath his nose.

“I’ve failed as a father and as a king.”

“We all make mistakes, Father. Hopefully, we learn from them and move forward.”

“How did you end up with an assassin and newly crowned king as your confidantes?”

“The gods have a wicked sense of humor.”

“And you trust them?”

I smiled, thinking of all the deceptions and betrayals that had passed between us. “With my life,” I answered.

“Is there anything more to this union?”

Far more, I thought. Maybe more than any of us really understood.

Together they will attack,

Like blinding stars thrown from the heavens.

“Yes,” I answered. “They not only give me hope, they are Venda’s hope too.”

“I meant—”

“I know what you meant, Father. There is nothing more between us.”

“And what is this unpopular decision?”

I told him about the valley where I was moving our forces against the generals’ wishes, and then I told him more of my plan that I hadn’t told anyone else.