And how convenient. How obvious that she’d happened to be there in a place of vulnerability for something to happen to her. My friends and I had left her in an abandoned factory, one of my father’s old businesses.

A business my grandfather used to own before that.

So much was convenient about all of this. The debt collector had just happened to know where Mayberry was.

Then Sloane calling my grandfather to fix the situation…

My grandpa definitely looked like the hero today. He looked like a hero because she called him.

The fuck…

My attention redirected to Sloane in that moment, my grandfather coming closer. Sloane was still on her call, but I didn’t move when my grandfather was in the same breath as me.

I was too busy looking at her.

I was too busy trying not to think shit and go to an even darker place, one of madness.

One of betrayal.

“What is she to you?” It was me to speak the words this time. I studied my grandfather. “What is all this?”

I didn’t think I needed to elaborate. There were just… too many convenient things. Not to mention the cops had known where to find me in the first place. Sloane had said up and down she hadn’t said anything.

I believed her.

I honest to fucking God did, even though everything within me told me I was naive.

I was going on faith.

I wanted to believe her. Still did.

Sloane had her back pressed against the wall now, and she was the only soft thing in his place, the only delicate th

ing. She had her hand all wrapped up in her dark hair, her body thick in all its perfect places. I’d wanted to shove my cock in her the moment I saw her after getting out. I’d wanted to take her out of his place and wrap myself up in her. I’d wanted to feel the security of her, and I was man enough to admit she’d been doing that for me.

That was why I’d called her in the first place today.

She’d been the first one I thought of when I’d been alone in that cabin, aching about all the shit with Charlie like a little bitch. I hadn’t even called my boys.

I’d just called her.

I shot in my grandfather’s direction, really happy I was in a police station now. If I had things my way, I’d have taken his cane and shattered his old fucking legs.

“What is she to you?” I gritted, needing some fucking answers. “What’s going on, and why do she and her brother call you by the name Montgomery?”

Callum was his first name. I knew that, but obviously not his last.

My grandfather’s blink was subtle, his attention focused. “You wouldn’t know, would you? The name Montgomery?”

My mouth dried as I watched him look at her again, my girl. Mine.

Grandfather stood tall. “As far as who I am to her, why don’t you ask Sloane herself? You two seem pretty close. Have to be since she pleaded to me about you. To fix things for you.” He smiled. “But then again, how close are you really?”

I blinked, my gut turning. Few people had known where I was today at that cabin, and she’d been one of them. She and my grandpa getting me out of jail together could have just been an act, this whole bailing-me-out thing a lie.

Sloane happened to choose that precise time to come back, and I must have looked fucking ghost white.

She had my arm, making me face her, and basically assaulted me with that softer-than-shit scent I’d wanted to drown in on more than one occasion.