“You were sick.” I lifted a hand. “And I didn’t want to make you deal with that.”

“So you dealt with it all alone?” he asked. “I may have been sick, but my ears weren’t. You should have told me. Taking care of each other is a two-way street, you know.”

I didn’t want it to be. I wanted to be strong. “I’m sorry.”

His sigh was heavy. “Well, did the misunderstanding at least get cleared up?” His brow lifted. “Because if not, I’m going to go talk to—”

I raised my hand, cutting that shit off. “I don’t need you getting into my shit and punching folks again.” I eyed him. “Especially not the most popular boy in school…”

“Most popular?” Ares slid into the conversation. He grinned. “Was I called?”

He would think I’d been talking about him, the arrogant fuck.

Ares had left his fan party, his fist tapping a few passersby. He dropped his arm around Bru. “Y’all talking about me?”

“We were talking about how it’s the Twilight Zone around here,” Bru huffed and might have explained, but the intercom sounded.

“Good morning, students and faculty. I’m sure some of you have heard, but the academy is currently in search of a new headmaster following the recent tragedy our community has experienced with Principal Mayberry’s passing.”

“Tragedy,” Ares gritted. He shook his head. “Always trying to keep the peace. I suppose she can’t help it.”


He didn’t say, the voice continuing.

“In the meantime, I will be returning as headmaster for the time being. Many of you also know that I’ve served in this position before, and I’m happy to do so while the board recruits a new headmaster. For those of you who don’t know, my name is Dr. Brielle Mallick,” the woman said, causing me to blink. “And I invite you all at any time to stop by the headmaster’s office and say hello. And for those who need it, counseling services will continue to be available regarding anything you need to discuss. Myself and the rest of the academy staff urge you not to keep your feelings to yourself. There are resources available, and my door is open to all of you if you should ever need it. I bid you a good rest of your day, and here’s to a brighter outlook for the rest of the year.”

The announcement ended, activity in the hallway continuing. I exchanged a glance with my brother, and when we looked at Ares, he had his fist tight in his curls.

“That’s my mother,” he said, shocking the fuck out of me. He sighed. “I tried to talk her out of it. She’s too fucking busy to come back here, but there was no way she wasn’t with all of us going to school here. She thinks she’s helping.”

Ares tugged his hair back so hard I questioned him pulling it out, and now that I thought about it, that was definitely the woman who’d been speaking that day we’d all gotten the video about Mayberry.

I wondered if his mom had come back to help with the situation then, and I thought to ask Ares about it, but the warning bell rang for first classes.

Ares shoved his hands in his pockets. He jerked his chin at Bru. “You okay with getting around to your classes today?”

“If I’m not, I’m sure she’ll do something about it.” Bru rolled his eyes at me. “I’m good. Headed to the north building.”

“I’m headed in that direction. I’ll go with you.”

Bru started to walk, but Ares hung back.

“Did you decide what you were doing about your free period?” he asked, and I nodded. He suggested I look into an independent study during our last few sessions in the garage. I still had that free period open with Mayberry being gone. Mr. Keene, the assistant principal, allowed me to do with it what I wished, but I still had to check in with him before I went to the art room every day to make sure he didn’t need anything. I wouldn’t have to do that anymore if I did an independent study, and I would get course credit for it too.

I forgot how this topic came up during my sessions with Ares, but when he suggested it, I jumped at the chance. Especially since I could do art and get credit.

“The school approved an art class for me,” I said. I’d looked right into it after he said something. The class was even college level, and I got to work with an online instructor. I’d get college credit too which was cool. “Thanks for the suggestion.”

“No problem. See you around.”

“See ya.”

He hooked an arm around my brother, and as I watched the pair of them leave, I understood what my brother had said. Him walking with my brother and me. Him talking to Dorian for me…

Things definitely felt like the Twilight Zone.

Chapter Thirty