“Stop,” I gritted, his hands too hot through my shirt, his gaze too pointed on me. Dark and ignited, his smoky irises pinned me in place. “Let me go, Dorian.”

He ignored the warning in my voice, the plea to stop this. Every moment with him tore at my insides.

I felt cut to ribbons.

I swallowed it all back as my breath hiked and he homed in.

/> “Tell me the truth.” Harsh breaths heated my face, his nostrils flaring. “I’ll know if you’re lying. I’ll know if you’re fucking lying, so don’t lie to me, Noa.”

His words were anything but steady.

His hold on me matched.

He was visibly shaking above me, on me. His jaw shifted. “Did something happen between you and Ares?”


His eyes closed in that moment. Like it was taking everything inside him not to level the world as it stood. He gripped my arms. “Did something happen between you and him?”

Out of all the things he could ask me…

I didn’t think it’d be that.

I thought he’d come at me about anything else. I was the liar to him. The traitor, but that wasn’t what he asked about.

I shoved him off me, and I think he only let go due to pure shock. He hadn’t been anticipating it. “There is no me and Ares, you stupid fucker.”

His eyes flashed, mine too actually. The words exploded out of me, and I felt like I too would level the world in this second.

I gasped. “I was worried about you.” I blinked, my eyes fucking cloudy for some reason. “Before you left, I was freaking out about you and your family. What you all had to be going through after that video came out…”

His mouth parted, his eyes narrowing. It was like he couldn’t compute, and I couldn’t either.

My jaw moved. “And what’s worse is, I still did that.” I nodded. “You still crossed my mind, even though you called me a liar.” I lifted and dropped my hands. “I can’t see past you, and I hate myself for it.”

He was wrapped in my head, a fucking tether I couldn’t even use a machete to hack through.

Dorian distanced slightly, his chest rising with breath. He probably saw me as pathetic, another groupie Court bitch who was falling all over herself for him. I mean, what other girl still thought about someone when they did that to them?

I cringed. “There’s no me and anyone else. There’s no Ares and me because even after you left, left me, you’re still in my fucking head.”

He’d once called me the head-fuck, but he had played the worst game of all. He’d etched himself into my brain, and I couldn’t escape him.

I cared about him.

Shunning away from it, I raised my hands. “You stay away from me, Dorian Prinze.” My throat jumped. “You get away from me.”

He twitched, the words he’d said repeated back to him. I’d done it on purpose. I wanted to cut him. I wanted to hurt him as bad as he’d hurt me, and it might have worked had I actually believed what I said. I would have been able to make him believe. I would have been able to lie.

But I was such a bad liar.

His hand braced behind my neck, and when he swiveled me around, he collided our mouths. I gasped.

“Stop,” I cried, my words saying one thing but my mouth another. He deepened our kiss, and I kissed right back. “I can’t.”

I couldn’t do this anymore, the head trip.

“Don’t fight me,” he gritted, my lip pinched between his teeth. He bit down. “Don’t. I need this. Please… I need this.”