Now, I just felt like I was drowning.

“Dorian?” She squeezed my arm, her lips parting. She pulled her hair out of her face. “Do you need to sit?”

I didn’t need to sit.

I needed to fucking run.

My grandfather’s hand on me kept me from going anywhere. He smiled. “I was just telling him how lucky he is.” He squeezed my shoulder. “The true assailant was apprehended before Sloane and I arrived at the precinct.” His smile stretched. “Your bail didn’t even have to be paid in the end.”

And how lucky for that.

I definitely noticed my grandfather’s hand didn’t loosen, Sloane smiling too.

“He is lucky,” she said, but then faced my grandpa. “And, Dorian, Callum was able to reach out to the right people.” Her eyes warmed in my direction. “Get you out quicker.”

“I simply made a few calls.” My grandpa’s hand left my shoulder, returning to his cane. “I lived here for a time. It’s been a while, but I’m still able to move things along. The right pieces and the people if I need to.”

I glanced between the pair of them, my back more than up.

My phone buzzed.

It quite possibly might have been doing that the whole time, but I hadn’t been paying attention.

Maybe in more than one way.

Wolf: Where are you? You need to come home. NOW.


My phone had been going off before I’d been arrested, Wolf trying to get to me. My parents had been blowing up my phone before that.

Wolf wasn’t the only one to text.

I had missed messages from Thatcher and Wells too, and of course, my parents. They’d been trying to get to me before all this, but I also had missed messages and phone calls from my god dads.

In fact, they had all called.

I lifted my phone, answering one. It was from Ramses, Wolf’s dad.

“Where are you, kid?” he asked, sounding like he was moving. “We’re all out looking for you.”

What the fuck?

I ended the voicemail, and when I looked up, Sloane wasn’t where I’d left her.

In fact, she’d been hovering over me, close.

Too close.

I found myself stiffening in her presence, and when I did, she blinked.

“Hey, what’s going on?” she asked.

What was going on?

I exchanged a look between my grandfather and her again, my mouth dry. I looked at her. “I need to leave.”

I angled around them, not knowing what she was fucking playing.