“Well, I definitely know something about that with this one’s brother.” Mrs. Reed shook Bow, which made her smirk.

“Yeah, Thatcher’s stubborn,” Bow said. “Real stubborn.”

She said it to me, and I noticed the initial aggression had faded. She might be going along with her brothers, supported them, but she may not actually feel the same way. At this point, Legacy, Dorian, and everything was just one more thing I didn’t want to think about. If Dorian had made up his mind about me, then he had and I…

“You know what?” I stated, getting Mrs. Reed’s attention. “Bru, my brother, he’s fine. In fact, he’s been pushing me to stay out longer.” I lifted my bag of paints. “I was at the art store so I could do something else other than be in his face tonight.”

This made Mrs. Reed smile. “Does that mean you’ll come over? Have dinner?” Mrs. Reed pumped her fist, and that too reminded me of her daughter. She nudged her. “Bow, isn’t that great?”

Bow’s enthusiasm definitely didn’t match her mother’s, but she didn’t appear as annoyed either. Maybe I’d been right that she might not be on the Sloane-hating train as the others. We had been friends.

We might be able to be again if I could just talk to her, and Ares’s text did say varsity was running drills tonight. Odds were, her brother wouldn’t even be there, and I wouldn’t have to deal with his mess.

Bow nodded at her mother, and Mrs. Reed tapped her chin. I didn’t know what that was about, but I did know Bow didn’t seem like she had a whole lot of friends. Bow herself had been very enthusiastic to have me over the last time, and that definitely could have something to do with the guys in her life. I mean, they had chased me away.

He chased you away.

I swallowed. “I’d love to come over.”

“Perfect. Dinner’s at seven, but if you come over early, we can chat while we prepare,” Mrs. Reed said, and I forced myself not to backpedal. I forced myself to believe I was going over there to talk to Bow and maybe just be cool with her again. It wouldn’t be about anything else.

It couldn’t be about anything else.

Chapter Sixteen


“Do I know your parents, Sloane? Your mom? Your dad?” Mrs. Reed asked while she mashed a bowl of potatoes. Sh

e, Bow, and I were in the Reeds’ kitchen, and though I’d been there before, I still couldn’t get over how completely ritzy the whole place was. Their kitchen was just a stunning top-off to the exquisite picture that was the entire Reed manor. I mean, these people had gardens and people to tend them.

Coming over tonight, I was surprised Mrs. Reed and her daughter were cooking. I knew they had household staff, but I hadn’t seen any today. Well, no one but Janet. She’d let me in when I got here, but it appeared they’d given her and the rest of their staff the night off.

I thought it was nice the pair of them were making dinner tonight. I even offered to help, but Mrs. Reed waved a hand at me. The woman certainly didn’t mind getting her hands dirty. She had flour on her nose from the homemade rolls she’d put in the oven earlier. Mrs. Reed grinned. “I feel like I know you, or have seen you before? I must know your parents.”

Bow studied the pair of us from the kitchen island. She was preparing a salad, and she was definitely aware I was here. Her eyes hadn’t left me. I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her tonight yet. Her mom was busy chatting with me most of the evening so far.

I shook my head at Mrs. Reed. “I don’t think so. My brother, Bru, and I just moved here.”

“Really? Where from?”

“Chicago. Well, most recently. We’ve been all over before coming here.”

Bow’s eyes lifted in our direction again, and between the two of them, there was enough food here to feed an army.

Though judging by the size of the guys in their household…

Mr. Reed hadn’t shown up yet, but he was just as large as Thatcher. Mrs. Reed said he was still at work, but would be around for dinner. As far as Thatcher, I was sure a hefty part of this meal would be for him once he did get back from practice. The guy was a fucking building.

“Interesting,” Mrs. Reed said, looking at me, and I wondered why. In any sense, she smiled before waving Bow over.

“Can you finish mashing these, sweetie? I’m going to take a plate of what we got to your grandma.”

Bow nodded at her mother, and after the woman left, Bow sighed.

“My gram’s too sick to come down,” Bow said, mashing. Her jaw moved. “It’s best she eats upstairs so…”

Last time I was here, she mentioned a sick grandma. “Is she okay?”