I couldn’t reach my thoughts higher at the moment, never good at emotional things. Because I wasn’t, I forced a smile, putting on that strength I didn’t feel I always had. It’d always been needed, though, for my brother and me. We were survivors.

I noticed Callum’s attention while in my thoughts, and I was grateful he didn’t push the issue. I couldn’t talk about it anymore anyway.

“I’m glad you’ve been able to find friendship in your short time here,” he said, his eyes warm. “And I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to work here for a few hours this morning. I plan to step out when maintenance gets here, but I want to at least wait for the doctor.”


His gaze lifted from his laptop. “For your brother? I ran into him this morning, and he said he was sick. I figured I’d call the doctor for him just in case. There’s an excellent physician I know not far from here. He’s coming down to see Bru and make a house call.”

I mean, I couldn’t even think after he said that. That he’d been willing to do that. I swallowed. “Do you think it’s serious? Bru?”

“Probably not, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.” His smile widened. “I’ve also called someone about your car. Your brother mentioned it was giving you issues. They’ll be through to tow it to a local shop. Since Bru won’t be at school today, you can use his, or if you’d like to have your own, I can work that out too.”

I blinked, truly awed here. He’d done all this?

I must have been silent for too long because he made eye contact with me then. He frowned. “I can have whatever you want delivered. Maybe you want Bru to have something here to drive just in case? I can…”

“No, no. It’s fine.” I waved him off, floored. “And I guess, just thank you.”

I didn’t feel that warranted any further explaining. I was thanking him for everything.

His eyes warmed. “Not a problem. You have a good day at school, and if you need anything, I’ll be around. As you know, I have a room at the Bellaire downtown. I’ll either be there, here, or in meetings. I’m looking into some business endeavors based in Maywood Heights. Would give me more of an opportunity to see you children.”

Bru and I would be going off to college soon, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t mind him around. Coming downstairs, it was like those times back when Dad had had his good days. When he was there in the kitchen and things were just normal.

I couldn’t thank Callum enough for giving me that feeling. Even if it was only temporary. In fact, he said he was leaving in a few days. He ran businesses all over, and the fact he’d put my brother and me, of all people, in his schedule to simply check on us?

I simply didn’t have words.

“I appreciate everything you’re doing for us,” I said. “I’m sure Dad appreciates it too.”

God, he’d love all this, the security and comfort Callum gave us was something he’d always reached for. He’d wanted to do that for us himself, but his own internal limitations had always kept him guarded. He hadn’t been able to keep a job, so we were always struggling.

“Again, it’s not a problem,” he said. “I’m happy to help.”

He went back to work after that, and smiling, I finished up, then headed to school. I drove that morning with finally a little bit of peace when the last few days had been anything but. I was so hopeful when finally showing up to Windsor Prep. Especially when I did spot Legacy.

The boys were by their cars, Bow with them. The little rabbit was digging in her school bag when I drove right past them, and I hurried into a spot.

I hadn’t seen Dorian.

Thatcher and Wells were there, Ares too, but no Dorian. The large boys stood in conversation by their cars, Ares’s Hummer in the center. He’d chosen not to park in his Student of the Month space today, and I was surprised to see Bow with them. I figured she drove herself.

Maybe she hadn’t today considering everything. Quickly, I got out of my brother’s car, wanting to catch them. I got my bag, but by the time I made it around the car, the group had already moved on toward the school. They were moving with a group of kids, people I recognized as Legacy groupies around them. I waved my arm. “Bow!”

She started to turn in my direction, like she heard her name, but Thatcher put an arm over her shoulder. He kept her moving forward, and when the others fell in close behind, I lost sight of her all together. All their fan boys and girls seemed to crowd around them as they headed toward the school.

Huffing, I banked on being able to catch them later, Bow later. I tried not to let the anxiety hit me that maybe they wouldn’t want to talk to me. I mean, Dorian definitely could have talked to them.

I bet they just didn’t hear you.

That was what I made myself believe. At the present, I had no other choice.

Chapter Six


The first half of the day left me anxiety-ridden. I didn’t have an opportunity to speak to Bow since she’d dropped the math class we’d had together. I had to wait until lunch, but she wasn’t at the table we normally sat together at. I studied the whole lunch room for her and even went out to the courtyard to see if she and the other boys were out there. The Legacy boys often took lunch there, and though their Court groupies were there, none of them were.