I locked the door, and he started to tug, but Dorian’s voice once again boomed the air.

Dorian was making his way out of the house. Instinctually, Ares blinked that way, and it was enough time for me to start the car.

And Bru to get inside.

My brother must have seen I was serious, because after I started the car, he basically leaped inside. He snapped the door shut, yelling at me to talk to him, but he wasn’t the only one.

Ares’s fist pounded against the door, and Dorian was running. It took me a second to realize the dark prince was trying to get in front of my car, but even with all his speed, the quarterback couldn’t outrun my brother’s Audi.

Dorian had been only quick enough to get hands on the hood before I sped around him.

He called after me, getting smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, but I couldn’t hear or see anything else besides my own thoughts in the moment. I just kept seeing pictures, images and sketches of me that’d been done without my permission.

And how I’d somehow mistaken his friend’s attention for simple kindness.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


I drove around for over two hours looking for Sloane.

She never went back home.

I knew because I waited outside her house after I went after her. I’d been quick, but by the time I’d gotten into my car, she’d already peeled off into Wolf’s neighborhood.

And I hadn’t been the only one to go after her.

Wolf had taken Wells’s car. Probably because we’d all been parked outside of his house. I saw him handling our buddy for his keys through my rearview mirror, and he got them because he wasn’t that far behind me. We’d both gone after Sloane, my mind straight trippin’ about that.

None of this made any fucking sense.

I didn’t know the story. Why she’d left, but Wolf clearly had done something. I lost him during the search and never did find Sloane. Like stated, she never came home, and during my search, I’d been trying to call my buddy to pick up the goddamn phone.

I blew his phone the fuck up but with no answer, and when I tracked it, I realized why. The tracking app I had showed his phone was still at his house, which meant he’d left it.

How had the night turned into this?

We were supposed to tell Sloane things tonight. I was supposed to tell Sloane things tonight. It was long past due time that she knew about my grandfather, but I’d been hesitant. She’d just been starting to trust me again and…

Wolf had been in my ear for what felt like forever about it. He didn’t like keeping her in the dark and thought she could actually help us. She could if she believed us, believed me, but I wasn’t nearly as confident as him. She still didn’t trust me. Even after everything and me trying to show her every day that she could.

I’d only fucked up everything more by telling her I loved her, and that hadn’t been a part of the plan at all. I kept blowing up our fucking plans, and if my grandfather had eyes on her, he definitely knew she wasn’t just a lay for me. She was my girl, mine.

The only thing my friends and I could do now was tell her everything and hope to fucking God she’d be receptive to what was still just theories. We knew my grandfather was moving here, and with Sloane’s father working for him in the past, that connected Sloane to my grandfather in a chilling way. My grandfather loved chess, and Sloane and her brother felt like the perfect pieces. He virtually owned them. He could do anything he wanted with them, and he was a man who had a propensity for some dark shit. My grandfather and his possibilities were endless, and what was worse, he had an edge over me. He had looked out for Sloane. He had her trust, and I was the guy who’d pushed her away.

It didn’t matter that she knew I loved her.

I knew that as well, as I’d been driving around town looking for her tonight. I’d called her too, of course, texted her, but she didn’t get back to me. Whatever had happened with her and Wolf had freaked her out, but she hadn’t come to me. She hadn’t waited for me to help when she should have been able to, and if that didn’t tell me all I needed to know about her trust in me, I didn’t know what did.

I had no time for pride at the present. I just wanted to fucking find her. In our group chat, Wells and Thatcher told me they’d been looking for her. They’d taken Bow, and everyone was out scouring the city. They hit up the school and several parks, and in all this, Wolf remained silent in the chat.

He hadn’t texted back, not fucking once, so when I finally did hear something, I was goddamn fucking surprised.

Wolf: We need to meet up. Where are you?

It was like I saw red in that moment, my own trust fucking limited. He was making it really hard to hold faith in him, and the only reason I had a semblance of it was because the last time I’d questioned him, I had been in the wrong.

I sat up in my seat, parked outside Sloane’s house. I’d come back around to her house after my circulation of her neighborhood. I wanted to stay close in case she came back.