I loved Dorian.

I’d stupidly managed to fall for the dark prince, but my head was telling me another thing. I physically couldn’t tell him what he needed to hear like something inside me was tugging me back. I was on a tether, and Dorian Prinze was the goal just out of reach.

I braced my arms. “I’m here for Bow too. She’s my friend.”

“Oh, I’m sure of it.” Bru came down a step. “But dare I say, she might be pretty lonely tonight? I’m sure Dorian will have all your attention.”

My lips closed.

Bru arched an eyebrow. “If I didn’t know any better, sis, I’d say you were in love with Dorian Prinze.”

He mussed my hair like an asshole, and I stayed back. I wondered if he wasn’t the only one having these thoughts.

I wondered if it was that obvious. I wondered if I wore it all over me as deep as it was felt.

I hoped I didn’t. Because even though Dorian was practicing patience, he might not for long, knowing I really truly did feel the same way. I couldn’t ever see him pressure me, but that wasn’t what scared me. What if he gave me another ultimatum?

And what if this time he meant it?

“Sup, kid?”

The door was open, Ares Mallick standing at it. My brother must have knocked because currently he tapped the fist of his teammate.

It was always weird seeing the boys out of their academy uniforms, Ares in a T-shirt and jeans. I’d obviously seen him up to his elbows in paint, but casual Ares jarred me. It was like those days we used to work together. We’d had so much fun, but that seemed like so long ago.

This seemed even more the case considering the way he’d treated me at lunch. I took a step, and he appraised my jeans and hoodie. Actually, he focused on me for a good long second, a frown pinching his lips. He hiked an arm against the doorframe. “Last to arrive, little. Any reason for that?”

I wanted to take my high-top and literally shove it down his throat for that. He obviously was still going through his PMS. I started to say something, but my brother got in front of me. “We both took a while getting ready. Sorry.”

He lied for me, but since this was my fault, I stayed quiet.

A deep “hmm” passed between Ares’s lips. He opened the door, telling my brother it was cool. Warm air touched my cheeks when Ares allowed my brother and me into his space, and immediately the spicy notes of fall and pumpkin spice hit my lungs. The foyer had been decorated with a fall theme, and the place felt homey right away. It was like a family lived here and not an angsty teen who had nothing but raging parties.

“Everyone is in the living room,” Ares stated, eyeing me again. I didn’t know his deal, but I didn’t care enough to ask him about it. “We already ordered the pizzas. Got a bunch of options. The delivery guy said about a half hour.”

“Cool.” My brother had his hands in his pockets. Ares immediately started walking us through his large home, and Bru caught up. “Eh, Wolf. Your parents going to be around? Haven’t met them. Just wondering.”

I’d met his mom but not his dad, curious too.

Ares angled around. “No. Mom’s been working late since she’s got her two gigs.” For some reason, that warranted another appraisal like that was my fault. He faced my brother. “Dad’s been hanging there with her at night. Brings her dinner, and they spend time together.”

Well, that was ridiculously sweet and nothing this guy would ever do. His parents seemed, well, normal.

With that, Ares brought us into his living room, and the place looked quite different without a bunch of partygoers. Bow, Dorian, and the gang were all in there, but people weren’t lining the walls like they’d been. Just Ares’s couches.

With the appearance of my brother and me, Bow bounced off the couch. She immediately hugged me in a squeeze. “Saved you a seat.”

She’d been sitting near Dorian on the biggest couch, and the dark prince grinned from his seat next to Thatcher.

Dorian looked delicious, of course, his T-shirt tight across his broad chest, and whenever he wore jeans, I paid attention probably more than I should. He slapped Thatcher’s chest. “She’s eye-fucking me again, bro. What do I do?”

Fucking bastard.

I started to pivot around, but he grabbed me and tugged me onto his lap. He got a hand full of my ass and caused the rest of the room to groan. Especially my brother.

“This going to be a thing all night, you think?” Bru tossed the words at Thatcher, but he smiled.

Still, he was being an asshole. I flipped him off, and he passed that off to slap Thatcher’s hand.