“No more,” he said instead, shaking his head. He left me basically on the ground, and this time when he got in his car, I got out of his way.

He peeled off, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake. He blamed me for this, his arrest. He’d accused me of such when it all happened, but I’d told him I hadn’t tipped the cops off about where he’d been. I’d pleaded with him. Begged.

I thought he’d believed me.

He obviously hadn’t, and his tension in the car made sense. He hadn’t just been upset about everything today, the situation. He’d also been upset with me.

He thought I betrayed him.

Chapter Three


She’d fucking played me, but what was worse was how I’d let her.

I’ve been so fucking stupid.

I only wished I had time to deal with it, but the moment I turned into my neighborhood, my window filled with news vans and reporters. My normally quiet neighborhood was a clusterfuck of activity, and it didn’t take a scientist to figure out where all the activity led to.


The radio had said the reporters were trying to get a statement from my family, and the chaos I drove through chillingly resembled the past. My neighborhood had held a similar look when Charlie had been first murdered, and that was only partially because of the fact that my uncle had been a golden boy in my town.

We were Prinzes, the Prinzes. Anything we fucking did required an audience, and the air horn only sounded louder when scandal surrounded us. People wanted in our business, point-blank, and I could only hope to God none of these people knew, in addition of my uncle being connected to Mayberry, that it’d been me to shoot that video of the headmaster. My grandfather had been right about one thing in regards to me. I had been sloppy, at least when it came to that situation. I definitely had my voice on the footage.

I’d lost control.

I’d been weak and in so many ways. Who knew how long he and Sloane had been working together?


I couldn’t think about her now, my family priority. I didn’t know what my grandfather was up to, but he had let me leave today. He’d let me go home, and if my rearview mirror told me anything, he hadn’t followed me. He may be just trying to play with me and let me know he was around. For all I knew, he really only would be here a few days.

I honked, the fuckers surrounding my car. They could only get to my street so close before the gates kept them back, but that didn’t stop them from trying. My family and I lived in a gated community.

“It’s Dorian Prinze,” one of the reporters said, and next thing I knew, my car was crowded on. One patted on my window. “Do you have a statement, son? For the press?”

“How is your family handling this?” another said. “This must be hard for everyone.”

“Did you hear about the murder, Dorian?” That woman who hit my car caused me to blink. “Do you feel Mayberry got what was coming to her? Revenge for your uncle?”

So they didn’t know about my arrest in connection to it… that was good, but still.

“Do you have comments about the viral video that was posted,” a man said, his big camera right in my face, and that was when I rolled forward. We had security at the gate, and the attendant let me in, saving me from doing it myself. I normally had to enter a code.

People backed off as I peeled down my street, and more than a little sweat bulleted my brow. Could I be lucky enough no one had put two and two together that’d been me on the video with Mayberry, I didn’t know. But I wasn’t sticking around to find out.

Everyone was here.

Like, legit, all my friends’ cars were here and even my god dad LJ’s car. They’d called him into town? I didn’t notice my other god dads’ cars, but Ramses’s message earlier had said that he was out looking for me.

Maybe the others were too.

This isn’t fucking good.

I buzzed the garage open to get inside, turning off my car immediately. I pushed myself inside and nearly ran into Wolf.

“The fuck, kid?” He had his phone to his ear, his eyes wild and his curly hair all over the fucking place. His face was bruised and battered from the job I’d recently done on him. I’d done it over a girl.