Ares: Anyway, good luck tonight. Hope it’s nice and don’t hurt my boy. I feel like since he’s met you, there’s no coming back for him.

I started to text something back but stopped when I noticed Bow just staring at me. She lowered her tube of lipstick, a small smile on her lips. I faced the mirror, and my lips parted.

I’d never seen myself so dressed up, and dare I say, I pulled this shit off. I looked pretty, real pretty. Bow had my hair bumped underneath with a curling iron she had, my eyelids a smoky black and lips a matte red. I’d say I appeared very femme fatale, which I fucking loved.

“Wow,” Bow stated, her head tilted. “Gorgeous, Sloane, and something about it is just…” She shook her head. “So familiar. You remind me of someone.”

“Who?” I pushed some hair behind my ear.

She hugged her arms. “I don’t know. This is all just familiar.”

Well, whoever the person was must have been a knockout, and I told her as such, making her laugh. She rushed me out of the locker room after that, telling me to go out the doors and follow the hallway down to the far exits. She said I’d know what to do from there.

I did.

I just kind of stood there for a moment actually. I supposed I didn’t really know what to do first.

This boy had had planes delivered on the field. Like actual planes. He had biplanes and a couple of helicopters. Each one had Prinze Aviation stamped on the side, and I crossed my arms.

He’s something else.

I had a feeling I wasn’t alone in that moment, a light prickle on the back of my neck. The heavy cadence that followed confirmed it. My lips lifted. “You get off just creeping around watching people?”

Dorian arrived beside me too quick, and I hadn’t been expecting it. My skin buzzing, I turned.

He hadn’t just rolled off the couch, his navy blazer hugging his thick arms. He had the nerve to appear somewhat dashing tonight, the collar of his dress shirt open and his twill pants tight around his muscular thighs. He caught me looking and fingered his dirty-blond hair.

“I see nothing’s changed.” He caged me in between two firm biceps, grabbing the bar that separated the high bleachers from the lower ones. His dress shirt laboring at the seams, he grinned. “You still never pass up a chance to eye-fuck me.”

“And what were you doing just now?” I countered, ignoring his proximity.

As well as my fucking heart racing.

I swallowed. “How long were you watching me?”

“I never said I wasn’t.” His dark eyes roamed, stopping at my breasts. He found my eyes. “Still am.”

“Well, don’t.” I put a hand on his chest, my fingers burning from the heat. I meant to push him off, but something had me hesitating.

He noticed, the smile falling from his lips. He didn’t give me breathing room, but he didn’t advance either.

I wet my lips. “What is this, Dorian?” He had said he’d wait, and whatever this was wasn’t waiting. He’d also said I had to give him something.

He scanned my eyes. “Maybe I don’t care.”

“Don’t care?”

He nodded. “Maybe I’m going to try something out.” He pushed off the bar. “Maybe I’m going to take a chance.”

I didn’t understand.

He angled around. “This is my legacy,” he said, waving toward the planes on the field. He smiled. “Well, part of it. My dad is a pilot, amongst other things. These are his planes.” He eyed me. “He taught me everything I know.”

“As in you fly these?” I asked, and when he acknowledged that, his head bobbing once, my brow twitched. “Does your dad know you have his planes?”

“I’d like to think so since he signed off the paperwork.” He eased his hands into his pockets. “They’re on loan for the night.”

“On loan?”