His hand lowered when he so obviously heard it. Smirking, he pointed in our direction, and that’s when I realized what Bow was holding. She’d flipped that dang sign over, and on the other side wasn’t the school’s mascot.

She’s here! the sign said in glittery orange paint. She even outlined it with navy to emphasize it. I grabbed her arm. “What the fuck, Bow?”

She shrugged. As if she wasn’t completely guilty for whatever the fuck this was. The crowd started laughing, and that was when I shot my gaze forward. Dorian was no longer staring at the bleachers.

He was in the middle of field, stripping. He’d tossed his helmet off to the side, jerking off his uniform top.

“Holy fuck. He’s actually wearing it,” Bru chanted, punching at the air. Dorian had discarded all his gear, his broad chest covered in dark silk. It sparkled and shined.

He wore a dress, an A line. He pulled the skirt out of his pants, and when it hung all wrinkled and fucked up around his hips, I roared in laughter.

“No fucking way.” I was losing my shit, epically. One of the biggest boys and thickest boys I’d ever seen was wearing a sleeveless dress in the middle of the football field. It even had a plunging neckline.

And he wore the shit out of it.

Dorian danced in the field, completely making an ass out of himself, and when I tell you, this boy had hype men. Wells, Thatcher, and Ares backed him up, and even though they weren’t wearing dresses, they supported him. The clique gathered around him in a semicircle, shouting and amping him up. All the while, Dorian flexed his biceps in his little black dress, and I thought I was going to throw up I was laughing so hard.

I honestly thought their coaches might have something to say about all this, but they stood off to the side. Their arms crossed, they simply shook their heads at the antics before waving the boys in.

They did come, eventually. They slapped hands before sprinting back to the team. Dorian brought up the rear, and though he put his uniform back on, he left the skirt out. He got to the sidelines, and after he put his helmet on, he whirled around and pointed in the stands.

The fact that it was at me was obvious, and of course, I was mortified. Shaking my head, I covered my face, and Bru nudged me.

“Well, it seems he was serious,” he said, grinning.

Yeah, I guess he was.

I returned to my seat with everyone else, and once the crowd calmed down, the game started. I got t

o witness who was easily the most popular boy in school wear a black dress the entire game.

And I recorded every minute of it.


Windsor Prep won against the Valley Creek Panthers in a clean sweep. This wasn’t surprising. Our team won all their games, but the talk of the evening was definitely the quarterback. He played in a skirt that whole time, and it hadn’t phased him once. He wore the dress like he played in it every game.

He even wore it after.

I hadn’t waited for Dorian on purpose. Really, waiting outside the locker room with the rest of the team’s groupies had only been for Bow’s benefit. The last time I’d seen her left to her own devices at a game, she’d nearly gotten assaulted. The pair of us waited while my brother pulled the car around for me.

The dark prince had nice legs.

They were thick and chiseled just like the rest of him. His gym bag strapped across his front, Dorian strode out from the locker room with that black dress hugging his muscled frame, and he even sported his combat boots with it.

This guy was something else.

He hadn’t even noticed me at first, nor the other guys. The four came out to their legions of fans, and I was the last person they’d take notice of since I was hiding. Bow and I had decided to take our real estate far away from their thirsty groupies, and it was her to nudge me that the guys came out.

Dorian broke away from his friends when she did, and though he got more than a few catcalls (from both guys and girls) on the way over to Bow and me, he ignored them all. The dark prince sauntered my way with nothing but confidence in his step, that black number bursting at the seams with his bulky frame.

Bow nudged me. “I’ll see you at school on Monday.”

A snicker in her voice, she skipped off in the direction of her brother. Basically, she ditched me, the traitor.

And here I thought I was being nice by waiting with her.

She sprinted past Dorian, a knowing look between them both. I could have strangled that little rabbit for her sign tonight. The two had obviously planned that.