I had Ronald call me in after my parents went off to work, and he could probably get fired for such a thing.

I stopped caring about stuff I used to care about. I stopped being a decent fucking human being. Wells and Thatcher continued to text and even showed up during those few days I cut class and needed time to my fucking self.

I had Ronald send them away.

I’d never been more grateful to not share events of my life with my other best friend, Wolf. One person who wasn’t blowing up my phone had been him, and oddly enough, he’d been very quiet. I got one or two texts asking if I was still living since I was calling in sick. But nothing after that.

It was just Thatcher and Wells who were hovering. Like they themselves stated, they felt they were accessories to what I’d done. They knew about shit, but they were sworn to secrecy—by me.

Eventually, I did leave the house to drive and did plan on going to school tomorrow. Currently, I sat in my car picking at food I’d just gotten from Jax’s Burgers. I still had no taste, but Ronald had urged me to go out and get something to eat. He’d said I hadn’t been looking well.

He didn’t know the half of it.

My food had gotten cold in my lap, and I just sat in my parents’ driveway with it. It was starting to get late, and I probably should go to bed. Not that I could sleep either.

My mind was a cluster fuck, but I had to get my shit together. Things still weren’t done, not by a long shot, and I’d just mustered up the energy to go inside when I got a weird text.

For once, it wasn’t Thatcher or Wells.

Unknown: Hey, this is Sloane. I’m not sure if you’re still out of town. It’s been a few days, but if you are back, are you with my brother? I can’t find him.


What the fuck?

Me: How did you get this number?

She shouldn’t have it. I’d never given it to her.

Sloane: Went through Bru’s phone one night.

She pinged.

Sloane: Swiped his contacts.

She pinged again.

Sloane: I didn’t trust you.

She shouldn’t. She shouldn’t trust me at all.

I was a monster.

My trail of dark deeds would only grow as the days progressed. That I knew. Sloane’s text message bubble surfaced again, and I waited.

Sloane: Also, if he was hanging with you guys, I needed a way to contact him in case I couldn’t find him. Example: tonight. Are you with him? Are you back?

I definitely was. Had been for days.

Me: I’m back, but I’m not with him. Sorry.

I tossed my phone, my headache a mile long.

My phone rang.

I started to shut that shit off, but then Sloane’s number showed on the front.
