That was one of the many things that made him so strong in my eyes, how he obviously dealt with shit, but had his own way of processing things. He always put his best foot forward.

But he still sure as fuck intimated me, his gaze studying me over Ramses’s shoulder. My father watched on, and I knew a talk was coming.


“I’m okay,” I said to Ramses. I was okay. At least, right now. By the end of the night, I might not be, though.

I may want to plan my funeral.

A million fucking acts were in tonight’s ballet. At least, that was what it felt like. Our dads had literally dragged us to this one a million times, and I think all the guys could probably do the moves on stage if it came down to it. That said something considering I’d never danced ballet in my whole damn life.

The four of us had to sit between our huge fathers and LJ, tucked tight between them. We couldn’t even sit next to each other, a dad between each kid, and they’d even taken our cell phones. We literally had no fucking escape.

I thought I’d die by intermission, but at least our dads and LJ had given us our cell phones back. They said it was an act of mercy while they went outside the theater to talk.

Probably about us.

Most certainly about me, the star of this apparent fucking show. I’d caught more than one eye from my buddies between dance moves prior to intermission, a scowl from Thatcher and Wells on my far right. The worst had been Wolf.

He’d mouthed, “What happened?” at one point before Ramses had checked his son by putting a finger to his own lips. We’d all sat in a theater box, and Ramses had made Wolf switch seats with him at that point, so Wolf couldn’t even mouth shit to me.

It was all an epic fucking disaster, and with our dads gone at intermission, I was immediately assaulted left and right by my friends. I gave them the rundown the moment I could.

It was a long story, and every word rehashed all kinds of fucking crap in my head. The girl had most certainly gotten into it.

And was still there.

Like my father, I didn’t like losing control, and Noa had taken me there. I ventured a line I didn’t like, an obsessive one, and an anger that made me want to wring her fucking throat and shove my cock inside her while I did. It was all sick and fucking confusing as shit.

And the look Wolf sported while I spoke wasn’t nice.

He stayed dangerously quiet the whole story. Though, I left the part out about nearly fucking the girl on the bleachers. He might have had something to say about that, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear what he had to say. He may say something about playing with my food again, or something else I didn’t feel like hearing.

“Fuck, and I bet I know how she found out shit about your mom. Where to find her and send her shit?” Thatch gritted toward the end of my story. Our dads and LJ hadn’t come back yet, but we probably only had moments before they did. He tossed his head on the seat. “Bow said Noa came over to the house the other day.”

“The fuck?” I shot off the seat. “And you’re just now mentioning that?”

“I just found out,” he said, his look apologetic. “I was going to mention it today.” He punched the ledge in front of our seats, and the only reason the noise probably didn’t garner any attention was because we were in a private box and people were still milling around down below. Thatcher shook his head. “Bitch obviously used my sister

. Bow said Noa came over to study. They got the same math class or some shit. I just found out Noa was over because Bow mentioned it at dinner last night, and I really didn’t think anything of it until what you just said, D.” Thatch huffed. “I bet if I ask my sister exactly what they talked about, something tells me information about your mom may have come up. Bitch was obviously doing some digging.”

“She’s dead.” Wells said it, but out of all of us, typically he wouldn’t say that. He was more laid-back.

But this was a special situation.

This was Bow, our Bow and Thatcher’s sister. Someone fucked with her, they fucked with all of us, and that went double when it came to Wells. He didn’t like Bow being messed with.

At least, if someone else was doing the messing.

None of us guys talked too much about that. Wells’s deal with her was his own deal, but when it came to Rainbow Reed, all of us had a stake there. She was our sister, and we protected her like we did each other.

Wells’s jaw clenched. “What do we do?”

“Payback.” Wolf draped an arm over the box’s ledge. He nodded. “Penance. She can’t get away with this shit.”

He’d really been dangerously quiet while I’d been speaking, like he’d been simmering over there. Noa Sloane had never been his favorite person, made sense with how they’d met.

Wolf was really capable of some dark shit. He was filled with a lot of anger, like me, and together, we typically checked each other.