Our heated breaths intermingled, and his wicked gaze gleamed on me like Hades in the Underworld. His smile was coy.

“Have you finally decided to submit, little fighter?” he asked me, his grin stretched. “I have to say, you could have just left town. Or maybe since your eyes like to fuck me so much you couldn’t help but get one last touch. For the road?”

He grabbed my hand, placing it on his chest. Hard muscle formed solidly underneath my palm, and visions of him on that football field assaulted my already fogging brain. Him half naked tossing a football with his friends. He was golden and beautiful as he caught a football not a foot in front of my face. It was a power play that day what he’d done.

Just like this.

I shoved at him, and he got my hands.

“I’m assuming that’s a no,” he said, a pout to his full lips, and I jerked my hands away.

I growled, “I’m not leaving.” He couldn’t force me out of his school, and the pranks forced upon me by his minions wouldn’t work. I sneered, “I don’t care what you or your little Court groupies with those gorilla rings do.”

He stared down at his, fisting it before smiling at me.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” He crowded me, his big body enveloping me against the lockers. “That would be a mistake.”

Pure venom seeped from his voice, but with him, he liked to put a sweetness behind it. Like a deadly viper toying with his kill.

I supposed he really did like to play with his food like Ares said.

His thumb touched my lip, and I hissed.

His smile stretched.

“Be careful, Noa Sloane.” Reaching down, he squeezed my hip. I kneed at him and all he did was wrap a hand around the back of it. He jerked me forward, my mound brushing his length. He was hard, and he wasn’t being shy about showing that. He even ground on me a little, his gleeful expression cruel and equally dangerous.

I pushed at his chest. “Stop.”

He didn’t. He leaned in, way too close. I could nearly taste him again.

My throat constricted. He had me right where he wanted me, completely locked beneath him, and it probably didn’t matter who came down this hallway.

It probably didn’t matter if I screamed.

The dark prince had too much power around here. He had too much everything.

“I am going to make you scream for me,” he promised, that venomous smile in his voice now. “And it’ll be too sweet to break you.”

“Good luck with that,” I bit at him, and he held me back by the throat.

His grip tightened. “The dildos were a gift,” he said, actually admitting to them. Though odds were, he didn’t do them himself. His eyes narrowed. “When I take you, it will be much, much harder.”

“Eat shit,” I hissed, but the flash of the thought tingled a tightness between my legs.

It was like he knew.

His thumb drew a soft line down my throat, one that hummed warmth in my core.

And slicked wetness.

I had to shift my thighs just to keep them from shaking. He eyed my lips.

“Do me a favor, huh?” he asked, tilting his head. “Stretch yourself real good for me? It’ll make it so much easier for you later.”

He let go. He was truly vile. The asshole actually chuckled to himself as he strode down the hallway. Like I’d just made this the best game for him.

I probably had.