Or had he forgotten one of them called me bitch only days ago?

Bru’s attention was on anything but me, completely red in the face while he stared outside. Dorian hadn’t followed us, but he was definitely watching.

They all were.

Thatcher, Ares. Even Wells had gotten up to see what was going on inside the cafeteria. He’d slung his arms around his buddies, the four of them

speaking amongst each other.

I whipped Bru around to face me.

“Have you lost your mind?” I blazed. “You do remember what they called me, right?”

“Oh, yeah. I remember,” he said, making me twitch. He actually got in my face. “I also remember you didn’t help the situation.”

“So is that what this is?” I raised and dropped my hands. “Revenge because I embarrassed you?”

He shook his head, cutting around me. I reached to grab him again, but he was too quick this time. He backed up. “Not everything is about you, Sloane. Actually, none of this shit is.”

“What are you talking about?”

He forced fingers into his hair. “Those guys are on the football team. They approached me about going out for it. I was messing around tossing footballs one day in gym class. Word got back to them, I guess. They think I’d be a good fit and said they’d speak to Coach about me if I was interested in playing.”

Wait. What?

“Callum said we should look into clubs and stuff, so this is me trying to do that.” He raised and dropped his hands. “Do something fucking normal and make some friends.”

At this point, we’d gained the attention of those in the cafeteria as well, and even from my table, Bow was staring at us. She stopped eating her food, looking on like everyone else, but I didn’t fucking care. I folded my arms. “You don’t even like football.”

“What would you know about what I fucking like?” Bracing his arms, he angled close to my face. “You’re too busy being like dad. Suffocating and shit.”

He’d spoken the words in a whisper, making me swallow.

With a sigh, he rubbed a hand behind his neck and obviously realized what he said.

He went on anyway.

“Just back off of this,” he said, leaving me with little more than that. I started to go after him, but stopped.


He stared my direction through the glass, and though Bru had returned to him, Dorian’s attention was on me. He winked, right at me, then waved a hand in my direction.


This wasn’t some kind of scouting or friendship he was genuinely brewing with my brother.

This was something else entirely.

The dark prince was making a statement.

I heard it in bounds.

Chapter Seven

Dorian - age 10

I couldn’t find Charlie, but he was really good at this game.