She’d again, said it all in one breath.

“Of course, let me know if you ever need anything,” she ended with. “I’ll be outside of all your classes. I have many in the same building already.”

This girl was obviously smart like Bru if she was taking senior-level classes. She kept talking, seriously happy. I mean, there was nothing wrong with that, but she was going so fast I wasn’t quite sure I could keep up.

She giggled after the last thing she said. Like all that happy just had to seep out somewhere. She pointed at me. “So Noa, that’s a really cool name.”

“Sloane,” I said. “No one calls me Noa.”

“Sloane because that’s your last name,” she said, obviously putting that together. “That’s so cool. Mine’s Reed, I could never go by that.”

She laughed again, loud enough where someone actually jumped in their seat. By the way Mr. Green lifted his eyes, something told me this might be a normal occurrence with this girl.

She grinned at me. “Can’t wait to show you around campus. This place is awesome. You’re going to love it. Like I said, I’ll be escorting you to all your classes, so you won’t have to worry about getting lost or anything.”

She said this right before Mr. Green started senior algebra. A girl named Rainbow Reed would be my personal stalker for the upcoming days. A girl who spoke a mile a minute, and with her speed, seriously made me question if she had rabbit DNA.

Life at Windsor Prep was most certainly going to be interesting.

Chapter Five


“You sure that’s her?”

Wells dropped a calf, working his shoulders after what I said. He stepped forward, resting an arm on my shoulder.

“Positive,” he said, eyeing the girl across the football field. He frowned. “Definitely her. I’m her brother Bru’s guide around school. He mentioned she was his sister.” He tipped a chin in the girl’s direction. “Saw her leaving on a cart on my way over to meet her bro. I assumed, going to her next class.” His eyes narrowed. “She was with Mayberry.”

I’d seen her in the hallway with the headmaster before.

That made two strikes against this chick, then.

I dropped my own calf, studying the girl who apparently liked to get in the way. I’d admit. That shit with her and Wolf this morning had been funny.

I certainly wasn’t laughing about shit now.

Of course, like this morning, neither was Wolf. Currently, my buddy helped Thatcher stretch on the track surrounding the field. We’d all managed to get the same gym class despite Wells and Thatch being juniors.

Then again, we did get whatever the fuck we wanted around here.

We did because we were legacy, owned this place, and Little Miss Getting-in-the-Way over there was about to figure that out. Wolf helped Thatch up after helping him stretch, a feat in itself since his ass was so big. A lineman for the academy’s football team, the dude had definitely earned his spot.

“Didn’t recognize her at first,” Wells continued. He was platinum blond and actually got ladies (and dudes) with that shit. I guess that’d been the reason he’d done it his freshman year. It got him the attention he wanted. The guy was a manwhore, just like the rest of us. Wells tilted his head. “She had a hood up that night, but I’m sure it’s her. She drove right past me on that cart. Got a good look.”

Pretty much all the fucking guys around here were, and she’d gotten more than one look stepping out onto the field in her booty shorts. Long, basically black hair pulled up into a high ponytail, her complexion like an Egyptian fucking princess. Add that to the full ass cheeks pretty much hanging out of her shorts, and she had all dudes of the straight orientation looking at her. Even Wells, who was more into dudes than chicks.

Wells eyed her appreciatively, doing one better and even whistling. The girl was a walking Kardashian without all the plastic surgery, and the fact she’d stood toe to toe with Wolf told me something about her. People didn’t fuck with Wolf.

People didn’t fuck with any of us.

Thatcher chuckled after what Wells said. Patting his chest, Thatcher eased between us. Thatch grinned at Wells. “I bet you didn’t recognize her,” he said, passing his own appreciative gaze in that direction. Anyone with eyes could see the girl was a smoke show. The fact she stood out like a goddamn giraffe with her height only helped. Thatcher laughed. “Too busy checking out that ass.”

“Like you fucking weren’t.” Wells shoved him. “Anyway, it should have been your big ass out there that night doing the heavy labor. You chose to stay in the fucking van.”

Thatcher frowned. “Last I checked, I won the toss-up, which meant I was driver and you were supposed to be the bitch wrangler.” He muffled Wells’s white-blond hair. “Not my fault whittle guy couldn’t handle his job.”

The two proceeded to punch on each other like a pack of kids, which made Wolf growl and me roll my goddamn eyes.