I was too busy freaking the fuck out.

I was shaking and my dad had to physically take me out of the goddamn room. When we ended up in the hallway, I struggled away.

“What are you talking about an accident?” I shot, louder than I should toward my father. “I just saw Charlie. Charlie’s fine.”

“But that’s what I’m saying. He’s not, Dorian.” He tugged me over. “Listen to me—”

“I just saw him, Dad,” I croaked. “Dad, I just saw him.”

Dad placed cautious hands on my shoulders, and from somewhere I could hear my mom still, my god dad’s whispers. Ramses was telling her it would be okay.

Why was he telling her that?

They were both acting like someone died. They were…

“Dad, where’s Charlie?” If he was at the hospital or something… If there was an accident, we should be there, not here. “Dad…”

“He was jogging, son,” Dad said, and at this point, the officer left the room. He tipped his hat at my father before he left, the door clicking closed behind him. Dad faced me. “You know how he liked to jog in the high hills.”

I did, but that had always been the excuse. Charlie used to use that as an excuse to go over and see Principal Mayberry behind Coach’s back.

I knew because I always covered for him at home.

“He was in that neighborhood tonight, and he heard something. Screaming.” Dad rubbed his mouth, his words and expression pained. “He was passing by Principal Mayberry’s house, and he heard some shouting. Elevated voices.”

My breath left me, thoughts completely escaping me.

“Apparently, there was an altercation between her and her husband, Coach Mayberry,” Dad continued. “And according to the officer, things got aggressive. He hit her.”

He hit her.

“Charlie heard the screaming from the street, and he broke in.”

I faced him, the color completely drained from his face.

“Coach was armed.”


My lips parted. “Dad…”

Dad shook his head. “According to Elaine Mayberry, her husband believed Charlie to be an intruder. He shot on instinct.” Dad’s voice thickened, pained. “He shot, Dorian, and Charlie didn’t make it. He passed away at the scene.”



I didn’t believe it, backing away.


“No.” I raised my hand. “It’s not true. I just saw Charlie, Dad. I just saw him.”

“But it is true, son.” Dad’s voice boomed in the room, his face entirely red. Dad didn’t lose his composure. He was completely in control always.

But this shook him.

It had to have shaken him at his core because he even placed a hand on the kitchen island to stabilize himself.