“You sure?” he studied me, really concerned, and I smiled.

“Yeah, dweeb. I’m okay. I swear.” After all, I did have my coat, and I wasn’t about to let Ares get a reaction out of me.

Well, actually…

A reaction might be just what I needed in this scenario. In fact, it felt like the perfect thing. I looked around for Ares again, and while I did, Bru asked me if I wanted a drink.

“Nah, I’m okay,” I told him. “Go mingle or something.”

He didn’t look like he wanted to. I mean, his sister just walked in here half naked, and only after assuring I was okay did he decide to go off to find some friends. I was really happy to have him in my corner again, and I hoped I did after what I was about to do.

Fact of the matter was, I needed to stand up for myself.

I purposely took my coat off.

I got right back down to my undies, striding with nothing but self-assurance when I dropped my coat and my purse off at coat check. Yep, Ares Mallick actually had coat check at this party. They had a guy in a suit taking everyone’s stuff in the foyer.

Bow’s jaw dropped.

“What are you doing?” she gasped, her cheeks warming. The way she stared at my boobs, one would have thought she didn’t have any herself, but then again, I did have pretty big boobs for my size. I was lanky, but easily fit into a D cup.

“I’m going to make a statement,” I said, confident as hell. Well, at least I tried to put that off. I got more than a few catcalls as tool-burgers passed me half drunk. I threw my cheap mask at one of them. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”

“No problem, baby.” Dude snapped that picture, and I growled. The guy scampered off, but I didn’t have any time for him.

I faced Bow. “Where’s Ares?”

The asshat was here somewhere, and he was about to answer to me.

Bow shrank in her little jeans and T-shirt. Really, we were yin and yang, and how we’d been able to establish some kind of friendship was beyond me. There must have been something about the two of us that went together, though, and like the rest of Legacy, I somehow felt like I had a long-lost little sister I never had. She was just cute like that, and you wanted to protect her.

She hugged her arms. “Depends. What are you going to do with that information?”

“What’s necessary,” I said, honest. “Where are they?”

Because where he was, I was sure I’d find the others. Those four traveled in a pack like an actual wolf pack.

“Probably hanging out in his dad’s lounge,” she mumbled. Though, obviously she didn’t want to tell me. “But no one else is allowed in there.” She leaned in. “They take girls.”

Meaning they were getting their dicks wet.


Some thought really should have gone into this next move. I mean, I probably should have reconsidered before I stormed the house looking for this lounge. I found it easily. Everyone apparently knew where Legacy like to have their fun.

They even had a dude at the door.

The guy hadn’t even bothered to question me when I swiveled my hips and scampered inside a room reeking of weed and flesh. Actual sweat clouded my nostrils, and I was sure the goon at the door thought I’d fit right in for what I’d been about to see.

I definitely did.

I was as scandalously clad as some of the other chicks in there. Thatcher had two girls in iridescent cat suits on his lap, bra and panties on full display. The girls made out in front of him, his hand on the ass of a third girl kissing his neck.

He paid no attention as I waltzed past him, clearly busy, but the other three played poker. They passed a blunt around. A couple of topless chicks felt each other up while dancing for the guys who barely even looked at them. The girls appeared to be partygoers who simply looked thirsty as hell, and Ares had been taking his hit when one girl pushed her tits in his face.

“Back off,” he grunted, making the girl whine. Wells gave her a nice place on his lap instead, and that seemed to appease her. Ares passed the joint off to Wells next, and he started to take a drink.

That was until he saw me.