He tugged up his dress shirt, displaying his washboard abs. “I ain’t got nothing to hide, little. You be there, I’ll be there.”

I rolled my eyes, hearing him chuckle as I walked away. God, he was such an arrogant fuck. I really couldn’t stand that dude.

But what could I say? I couldn’t help a good challenge.

Chapter Twenty-Two


The fucker Legally Blonded me.

I showed up to Ares’s little party, and not only was I the only one in lingerie, I was also the only person who decided to wear a fucking feathered mask.

Like a goddamn idiot.

I’d wanted to make a statement, and I definitely managed that, my kitten heels taking me across a lit entryway. The curvy letters A and M brightened coral flooring, this guy extra as fuck to have his insignia highlighting what were obviously his parents’ floors. Ares lived in some kind of manor on the north side of town, mansions everywhere. The roads had been filled down the block for this party.

And here I was half naked.

My feathered, black mask matched my laced boy shorts and panties. I didn’t have a lot of sexy things, but that seemed appropriate for what was supposed to have been a lingerie party. I showed up in this bitch looking like Elle Woods minus her bunny ears.

I might as well have had some with the way everyone stared.

I had a spotlight on me the minute I showed up thanks to Ares’s lighting effect. The curly letters shone bright over my body, my coat in my hand and jaw dropped to the floor. I’d come inside with a bunch of people wearing coats, and I figured they’d all been wearing the same thing underneath.

I was so terribly, terribly wrong.

The snickers ensued, as I forced my coat on but not quick enough to avoid catching the eye of several partygoers. Two of which were Bow and my brother. They were in a small group of others I recognized from school.

Bow gasped, and my brother nearly dropped his drink. Both came over to me, as I secured my belt, but t

he damage had been done.

“No one told me Ares was getting prostitutes!” some dick roared nearby, and my brother shoved him.

“Shut the fuck up, asshole,” Bru gritted, and by then, Bow had grabbed my arm.

She shook her head. “Sloane, what the hell?”

What the hell indeed, my face shooting up a million degrees in heat. I let that rich fucker Ares Mallick embarrass me.

Olive branch, my ass.

All that shit had obviously been a setup, this invite a setup. I fluffed my hair over my coat. “Don’t ask.”

“Well, I’m gonna.” It seemed Bru had gotten those tools to watch their mouths because he now joined Bow’s side. He studied my coat. “Why are you only wearing that under there?”

Because his friend had once again gone out of his way to make me look like an idiot.

“Ares,” I hissed, looking for him around the foyer, but this was impossible. Ares’s house pumped full of people. So many, in fact, I was quite surprised not to see them hanging off the chandeliers. My view from even the entryway gave vantage to a full house, and the pool outside had even more. The DJ was out there, raising his hands amongst dancing teens, but his beats played in the house.

I assumed Ares had some kind of speaker system set up inside. My brother touched my arm. “Wait. Ares did this?”

“Asshole told me it was a lingerie party,” I said, his eyes widening, and Bru’s reaction to that actually surprised me. He had not once stood up for me when it came to these boys, but his face definitely shot red in color after what I said. He even started to drag my arm away.

“We’re getting you home,” he stated, but I slipped my arm out.

“I’m fine.”