Four dudes came into view, one of which was the guy who’d run off like a little bitch earlier.

Apparently, he was getting reinforcements.

He was the one to run up to the guy on the ground, who Bow had basically took out by herself. He tried to help his friend up, but the asshole was ungrateful and pushed his buddy off him.

“Don’t fucking help me. Get them!” the guy on the ground growled, directing his finger at Bow and me. The reinforcements his friend had brought were clearly drunk, stumbling over with beers in their hands. They also wore spirit paint on their faces, obviously spectators too from tonight’s came.

They were coming up on Bow and me.

“Bow, run,” I urged, but she shook her head. The little rabbit stood with me, backing up with me. I raised my bat to the boys. “Back off and leave us alone.”

“Last I checked, it’s five against two, bitch.” Boy with the knife had it out again, his blade gleaming under the parking lot lights. He grinned. “Now, maybe we should try this again?”

I tucked Bow behind me, hoping with maybe me in front, she’d get some sense. She’d run, but she didn’t move. She stayed with me.

We were screwed.

“Actually, it’s seven against five, bitch.”

Ares Mallick bounded over the hood of a car, tall enough to do that very feat. That put him right in the middle of the action, cutting those tools off from Bow and me.

He hadn’t come alone.

Dorian was right behind him, Thatcher and Wells too. My brother, Bru, brought up the rear and seeing her own brother, Bow immediately ran over to him.

Thatcher grabbed her. His eyes were fire, and the guys about to come at us looked like they were about to shit their pants.

Ares grinned. “Actually, there’s eight if you count Thatch’s big ass.”

“Fuck you,” Thatcher growled at him, but all that heat he kept reserved on the boys who’d messed with Bow and me. He hugged Bow close. “You messing with my sister?”

“Nah, man.” Guy with the knife put it away. He tucked it in his letterman jacket. “This was just a misunderstanding, and that bitch with the bat egged it on.” His chin jutted in my direction. “Ain’t that right, Legacy bitch?”

He thought he was being funny, clearly expecting laughter from the Legacy boys themselves.

They weren’t laughing.

And neither was Bru, who came over to me. He stood by me, Ares and the other guys in the center.

Dorian made the peak.

He was the tip of their arrow, the male power like he always was on the field. He braced his big arms, in his own letterman jacket. He bared teeth. “You got five seconds before we break your legs.”

They didn’t wait for five.

The assholes stumbled off in a pack, and something told me, it hadn’t mattered it was seven against five.

In fact, Dorian probably could have been standing there by himself.

That was how much power he exuded, Legacy exuded, and with the assholes gone, Thatcher grabbed Bow.

“Why didn’t you wait in the fucking car like I asked you to?” he ground out, but even as he did, he hugged her. It looked so funny since she was so much smaller than him. “You never fucking listen.”

“You guys were taking a long time,” she said, and good for her standing up to him. She laughed. “You’re choking me, jerk.”

“Good.” He let go. He messed with her hair, a grin on his face, and Bow groaned.

Beside me, Bru studied me. “You okay?” More than his eyes were on me, though.