“It’s been fine,” I said, but even I didn’t believe it. “School’s school, you know? Been to a lot of schools. It’s all the same thing after a while.”

“I know you have,” he said. “You know, I did see your records before I had them sent to the academy. I know about your and Bru’s history. All your different schools and moving.” My lips parted. “Your, um, fighting. Heard about that too.”

I closed my eyes. “Well, my brother and I have been to a lot of schools.” I shrugged. “Bullies come with that. People don’t always like the new kid.”

And Bru was right. It made me a little combative. I tried to get in people’s faces before they got in mine, the best way to make sure Bru and I were taken care of. It hadn’t mattered since we had moved all the time with Dad’s job situation. If one person handled me, it didn’t matter if I pushed back. I’d be gone soon and moving on to the next.

That obviously wasn’t the case here.

“I see.” The movement had stopped in the background, and I assumed he was driving at this point. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in school, but I imagine that would be hard. I’m aware my old friend, your dad, had a lot of issues. Having problems both finding and keeping a job. I’m sure that was hard too, all that moving around.”

He put that mildly. I said nothing.

“That was a big concern for me regarding you children. You’ve both been dealt a pretty tough hand. I hoped coming to a new place would help. Has that not been the case?”

The last thing I needed was for him to hop on a plane and decide to take the reins out here. Especially since Bru had been okay.

“It’s been a change but a good one,” I said, hoping he believed me. “As you heard, Bru’s thriving. Me too.”

Please believe me.

I wasn’t sure if he did, and in that moment, my attention was distracted.


It came from my right, a few cars over in the parking lot. I noticed red hair, a woman.

Principal Mayberry.

She was talking to someone, some guy who looked sketchy as hell actually. She kept looking around, her head low, and suddenly, he was handing something to her. I couldn’t see what he handed her, but she handed him something as well. She kept it concealed under her handbag.

What the fuck?

“Well, that’s good, Sloane. Very good,” Callum informed, and apparently, I’d been pretty good at fibbing. “Things are actually wrapping up around here with this deal, so I plan to visit you both in person real soon. I blocked off some time, and I hope, once summer hits, you’ll consider a trip. I’d like to gift you with a holiday to Paris for graduation.”

My lips parted. “Paris?”

He laughed lightly into the phone. “Once I found out you were an artist, I couldn’t help myself. Of course, if that’s not where you want to go, we can negotiate. We can talk about it more when I come to town.”

Murmuring in the background sounded. Callum was obviously busy. He must have called me on the fly.

“Anyway, be sure to check in,” he said. “And tell Bru good job for me again.”

“I will, Callum, and thank you.” I mean, what else could I say? Paris? Wild.

I never would have dreamed to be able to take such of trip. I’d never had the option. Bru and I were just two poor kids.

Who apparently suddenly had a fairy godfather.

I didn’t know Callum to have a family of his own, so maybe, with his obviously lavish life, he just wanted to help out his old friend, my father. He was giving my brother and me more than we could ever ask, and after I let him go, I nearly forgot the fact my headmaster was across the parking lot.

What’s she doing?

Principal Mayberry was doing something that was for sure and whatever she gave the sketchy guy, he didn’t seem satisfied with.

“That’s not enough, bitch,” he growled at her, looking around. “You still owe me from last week.”

“I’ll get it to you,” she whispered. The woman actually looked kind of all over the place, hair disheveled and bags under her eyes. “I’m good for it.”