She came up to meet me, on her elbows, and when I pushed the head past her full lips, I nearly blew my load.

Holy fuck.

I shifted, in my own fucking haze as this girl not only took me to the back of her throat but tongued my shaft on retreat. I growled, easing her hair out of her ponytail and coiling it tight around my fist.

“Open up for me,” I gritted, trying to maintain a semblance of control. I felt like I was on the brink of losing it, literally about to spill into her mouth like I didn’t jerk myself off at least three times a day. Most of the time, I didn’t need assistance, a groupie bitch wanting a taste.

Noa Sloane wasn’t a groupie bitch. Her perfect fucking lips around my cock sent me into ecstasy. Never-ending strands of silk hair clenched beneath my fist as I gripped her to hold on for the ride.

She moaned over me, holding my hips, and bobbing her head below. She was goading me to spill into her mouth, even more when she palmed and played with my balls. She knew what she was doing, releasing my shaft to slide one into her mouth.

Holy shit.

I gripped the bleachers, needing to push this chick off me. I was losing my goddamn head and didn’t like it.

I came in seconds.

At least it felt like it, my roar into the bleachers as I pumped into her throat again and again. At one point, I believed I hurt her. Her eyes swam in tears, but even still, she continued to suck me off, suck me down. She drank my seed greedily, but before she could finish, I pulled her mouth away.

I kissed her again. I shouldn’t have, so fucking dangerous, but the need to taste her mouth hit me like a goddamn train, and I lost it.

What the fuck?

I tasted myself on her, a lethal combination me and her. It made me think about her taste and if her pussy tasted as good as her mouth did.

I couldn’t take the chance in knowing.

I just knew I’d lose my mind again, and this game we were playing I would lose.

Her eyes were closed when I came away, her chest trembling, her lips pinked and angrily bruised. She wanted more, and she wanted me to give it to her.

I didn’t.

Instead, I tucked myself away, zipping up my fly.

“Not bad,” I said, not missing the twitch in her eye. I stood. “I’ve had better.”

A bald-faced fucking lie, but that didn’t mean what I said sounded like it.

I didn’t catch her response to my words in the end. I left. She had a terrible poker place, and I wasn’t about to stick around.

I didn’t need her seeing if mine was just as shitty.

Chapter Sixteen

Dorian - age 16

Parties at Pembroke University were a bitch to get to, but they were worth it for a few hours out of town and a good time. Ares and I loaded up my Audi with a few girls, a six-pack, and some smoke. We’d even been feeling gracious this evening and brought Wells and Thatcher along for the more than two-hour drive. I supposed they were getting their corruption pretty early only being freshman this year, but the two shitheads were into way more foul shit than I’d been just last year. I came to Windsor Prep only slightly less corrupted, but once Ares and I realized what being Legacy of some of the elite families of Maywood Heights meant upon entering high school?

Yep, we’d been good as opportunists, and we took full advantage of that. The college party tonight had been one of those advantages. Graduates from Windsor Prep ruled Pembroke-U, most of the alums rolling through it. The four of us Legacy kids were greeted like gods to the party filled with more booze and women than any of us could ever consume.

Though, we sure tried.

We’d made Ares the designated driver, so he was only slightly less intoxicated than the rest of us. I’d lost him first, then Wells and Thatcher second to the party at a multilevel home in the upper westside hills. We had no idea whose house this was.

Who fucking cared?

The DJ played on the top level, indoor pool flashing with neon lights below and filled with half-naked women. Not girls. The fellas and I had ditched our female companions sometime between the car and the bar. There was much better ass to own here tonight. I’d already seen several posts on social media about what the girls we’d brought here were up to in our absence, though. Something told me they were getting just as much out of this party as we were. It’d been an honor to come with us tonight, a mutual exchange. They were getting their stories, and we were getting ours.