I always suspected my mom’s death may have had something to do with how withdrawn he had gotten. I’d been really little at the time, but a noticeable change had occurred in the house after my mom had died. She’d been killed while Bru and I were at school, a home break-in when my dad had been at work. Dad kept the news clipping of her obituary, and I caught him reading it all the time.

Well, he used to.

Now, it was in a box with the rest of who my parents were. Not much. IDs and other things. It was all just a box of fucked-up memories, and I never looked at it.

With a final stroke, I got to the end of the pool, panting as I thought about my father and all those memories far away. I started to get out when a howl sounded throughout the aquatic area. Like an actual howl.

A fucking animal.

Ares Mallick twirled a bat, spiked with nails poking out of the end. He had a lit joint in his mouth, grinning as he waltzed across the wet tiles fully clothed.

I shrank back, going deeper into the water. He chuckled, then howled again.

The others surrounded me.

Thatcher Reed and Wells Ambrose, large boys in their academy uniforms. They didn’t have bats, but they covered the exits to get out of the pool.

“All alone, little girl?” Ares stated, his eyes dancing wild. He flicked his joint butt into the pool water. “How unfortunate for you.”

“I agree.”

On the bleachers sat a boy, one I hadn’t noticed on the stadium seating used for swim meets. Dorian Prinze was all alone, but he took up so much of the bleachers one would have thought they were miniature. They labored and screeched with his weight when he came down them, and he had a bat too. It wasn’t spiked, but he still had a bat.

What the fuck?

I didn’t know what this was, watching as Dorian twirled his bat as well. He pointed toward Wells and Thatcher at the various exits. “Get her out of there.”

The two boys stripped.

Not completely, but they were definitely getting naked. Down to their boxers, they tossed their clothes, golden bodies stretching and flexing. Wells tossed me a wink before he did a side flip into the pool, and Thatcher jumped in his end cannonball-style. They came up with a snap of wet hair and slick muscles, proceeding to stroke out to me from various angles.

Freaking out, I splashed away from them, and from my closest exit, Wolf chuckled.

“Not so brave are you now, little,” he said, winking. He pointed his bat toward Dorian. “Don’t play with your food too much, Dorian.”

Wolf muttered something about going to watch the door, chuckling the whole way, and all the while, their other bros homed in on me.

Wells got there first.

His long reach shot out, tugging me. I got an elbow out of the water and clipped him right in his steel pec. That shit fucking hurt, but it got the job done. Wells cursed, but I barely got around him before Thatcher bear-hugged me from behind.

“Such a pretty, pretty princess,” he growled into my cheek, his tongue out and his earrings glistening from the pool lights. He actually licked my cheek like a fucking freak, and the feral noise he let out made my stomach curl. He grinned. “Mmm. Taste as good as you look. Like goddamn candy.”

“Let me have a taste, bro,” Wells crooned, getting closer. He seemed to have recovered from the job I did on his chest. His tongue came out too. “I like candy.”

“Get the fuck off me!” I bucked, but big boy had a good hold. He locked his big beefy arms around me, and he wasn’t letting go. I jabbed back. “Stop.”

“Ooh, there’s some spice in there, though.” Thatcher had his arms locked tight across my breasts, but that didn’t stop him from feeling up my arms. “Is that cinnamon, princess?”

“Oh, I really, really like cinnamon,” Wells stated, his eyes crazy and wild.

Was he getting off on this?

They both sounded as if they were. Wells stroked closer. “Don’t be selfish, bro. Share.”

“There’s enough of her for both of us.” Thatcher’s arms unlocked enough to come down to my hips. He drew me back, his dick hard and right up against my ass. He pressed his face into my neck. “I’ll take the back.”

I kicked, screaming, and a thundering twack hit from somewhere in the pool room.