Solid muscle weaved all the way through him, even that jawline he had for days. It clenched as he made eye contact with me, and without missing a beat, he drew back one of those big biceps and tossed the football to his friends. They all went for it, but the asshole who’d bugged me this morning caught it.

The guy merely reached out a hand to, his long mane drawn up and out of his eyes aside from some obviously pesky tendrils. Dude had hair like mine, wispy and long. Though, obviously mine was longer. He even had dark hair like me, more tan than his friends.

“Good catch,” I breathed, but not to the asshole over there. Blondie still stood in front of me, maybe a foot away.

I could taste him.

Arctic gum breezed coolly over my face, a stark contrast to the sweat and boy smell that chased it. The guy was flush all over from his broad shoulders to his boyish features. Color crushed the harsh definition of his angular cheekbones, and his blond hair was slightly around his face like Brad Pitt in his Meet Joe Black days.

Blondie pulled his fingers through his hair, an action he’d clearly done a million times judging by the way it tamed

back. His hair didn’t return to his eyes, stayed in place. He jerked his chin at me. “Why the fuck are you at my school?”

The fuck?

I twitched, like seriously took a double take here. I told the guy he’d had a nice throw and he came at me like this?

I was honestly gobsmacked, and in my stupor, his friends jogged over.

One by one, the male parade surrounded him, and Jesus, these boys were big. Blondie himself took up a ton of surface area, but the guy with dark hair and piercings behind him even managed to have him on that. The guy had exactly two piercings, a dangling cross in one ear and a stud in the other. The shortest was the platinum blond, but he was by no means small. He could definitely handle his own with the thick, corded muscle lining biceps and forearms.

And then, there was Wolf.

Seeing him this close, he towered over these guys, the asshole smirking at me when he got there. Upon his buddies’ arrival, Blondie reached into his pocket, giving Wolf what was clearly a wad of cash. I saw easily a few hundred-dollar bills in that stack.

Rich kids.

I saw exchanges like that all the time when the upper elite managed to mosey over to my neck of the woods back home. Rich kids had to buy their blow from somewhere, but I saw none of those exchanges here.

“I guess you win, Wolf,” Blondie said to him and didn’t look happy about it.

I frowned. “What?”

Chuckling, Wolf tucked the cash in his pocket before dropping an arm on his blond buddy’s shoulder. Wolf jerked his chin at me. “I bet him you were as much of a bimbo as you looked.”

“And idiot me bet in your favor.” Blondie eyed me. “So, I’m going to try this again. Slower this time for you.” He leaned in. “Why in the fuck are you at my school?”

These guys weren’t serious, right? With this shit?

My lack of answer again had Wolf laughing, but this time, I wasn’t gobsmacked.

This time, I was pissed.

“Excuse me, bitch. Was someone talking to you?” I shot in Wolf’s direction, which effectively cut off his laughter. He shot forward off the bro line and put his finger so close to my face I debated breaking it off and feeding it to him.

“You little cunt,” he said, laughing with it, and started to get closer had not a whistle blown across the field.

Two gym teachers formed a beeline right for us. One of them I recognized as mine and the other could have been theirs had they actually participated in class. Something told me these guys just did whatever the fuck they wanted.

“Mr. Mallick, is there a problem here?” the one who wasn’t my teacher asked, and Wolf whipped in his direction so fast I questioned if the dude gave himself whiplash. Wolf opened his mouth, no doubt to shoot off something.

But then, Blondie raised his hand.

He’d done it in front of his friend, but he stared at the teacher.

The teacher stopped in his stride. Like actually legit stopped and mine did too beside him.

One of the men wet their lips. “Mr. Prinze, is there a problem?”