“All the fuck over.” Wolf picked up a football off the field, gripping it. “I did a little search on my phone between classes. He’s a billionaire, but I couldn’t find much besides his company name: Montgomery Holdings. Couldn’t even find a picture of him. Seems he’s got other people being the face of his company for him. Might be a hermit or something. Probably enrolled the new girl and her bro here for the academy’s rep.” Wolf eyed Thatcher. “Bow’s also been assigned the new girl’s guide. Says so in her file.”

“The fuck?” Thatch questioned, then lifted his eyes. “Leave it to my sister. She’s such a kiss-ass.”

She just liked to be involved and was smart, like Wolf in that light if he let people know. There were times it was exposed like his Student of the Month shit. He couldn’t always hide his smarts behind a bad attitude and a growl.

Opening my hands, I had him toss me the football. “What’s her name?”

“Noa Sloane,” Wolf stated, aggressive about it. She’d obviously already made a new best friend with him.

I squeezed the ball.

Noa Sloane, huh?

“I need to know more,” I said to my friends, and the girl better hope I liked what I found.


Blondie and his friends sure garnered a lot of attention.

It helped they liked to dick around shirtless.

Four golden bodies tossed a football back and forth, both long and short passes. When they actually collided (muscled bodies slamming against each other in a sweat-ridden array), the girls out here basically lost their shits.

Some of the boys did too.

The guys weren’t being casual about literally playing football when the other gym classes were forced to do other things. My class had to play volleyball (which I sucked at) and the others were either jogging the track or doing something else in a group.

The four Adonises seemed to be exempt, though, fooling around and occasionally laughing. The group appeared to be quite acquainted with each other.

Not like I noticed.

At least, I tried not to notice, brushing myself off after face-planting to hit back a serve. Despite my height, I epically sucked at sports, something Bru liked to remind me of since he was actually good at them. Never played them, but when he did, he was good. He might have actually tried out for something had my father not been against it.

He’d been against a lot of things.

He had kept a short leash on us, not wanting us to go out really. If he didn’t leave the house, he didn’t want us to either, and I had resented him a lot because of that when it’d all been going down. I had pushed back a lot, something I wished I hadn’t done so much now.

Losing a parent definitely put things into perspective. I missed my dad, flaws and all. He loved us. He was just troubled.

A tall girl on the other side of the net drew back to serve, I squatted down to actually maybe hit the thing back. She hit it over, a player on my side hitting it back. The opposite side returned it, but when it was my turn, I missed and the volleyball few over my ponytail.

Did I mention I sucked at sports?

“I got it,” I called, jogging over to get the thing. I picked it up.

“Watch out!”

I jerked my head around when one of my teammates told me to, the football flying at my face. It would have hit me full on.

Had not a hand shot out.

Lengthy fingers gripped the football, tucking it into a set of firm abs. I followed them up to ebony-dark eyes.

Holy shit, this guy was beautiful.

Of course, I noticed it in the parking lot. Golden body, huge hands.

Thick thighs.