Callum Montgomery’s name flashed on my screen, and I was too out of it to even realize I answered.

“Callum, hi. I’m sorry this isn’t a good time,” I said, already getting into my brother’s car. I didn’t know where I was going, but I figured the Maywood Heights County Police Station might be the first place these people would go.

“Sloane?” Callum stated, a clear confusion in his voice. “What’s going on? Are you all right?”

I wasn’t all right, not at all. I palmed my face, shaking. “I know you’re in town, but I have to go. I’m sorry.”

“Sloane, wait. Wait just a second. What’s wrong? You sound panicked.”

I was panicked. I just watched my boyfriend being dragged away in front of my eyes and into a car.

Whoa, when did he become your boyfriend?

I didn’t know what Dorian was. An obsession or mere fascination like he said. I just knew he was taken for something he clearly hadn’t done.

“Sloane?” Callum nudged. “Just take a moment. What’s wrong?”

And so I told him, every word of what had happened in the last few minutes. I didn’t know if Callum could even help, but I hoped.

I needed hope.

Chapter Thirty-Six


I was in and out of my cell in under an hour.

Wolf must have come through.

I told Sloane to contact him because he’d be able to post bail without getting my parents involved, and my parents did not need to know about this. At least, not right now and with everything that was going on. They’d find out eventually in this town, but not right away.


I hadn’t killed that woman. She’d been alive when the other guys and I left her.

It’d been on purpose.

I wanted her to live with what she’d done, thrived on that shit. That would be penance for what she’d done, and though I wasn’t sure she’d keep her mouth shut about me being the one to take her, I hadn’t cared. My family and my family’s friends literally owned this town. They could make anything I did go away.

The guys and I broke off just in case of heat. We’d figured it’d be better to be apart and at remote locations until our families caught up with us. If any of us did receive a backlash, it’d be best for our families to find us first and we moved from there.

So, what’s this about a murder, then?

I didn’t know. Like stated, we’d left Mayberry very much alive in that warehouse. She had not one bruise, not even a damn paper cut. We untied her, then left her.

I expected to see Wolf the moment I was let out of my cell. I figured he’d be standing there right in the waiting area when I got out, and though I saw a familiar face, it wasn’t his.


She’d been pacing, and I had no idea if it’d been her to rat my location out or not. I mean, I told her, and she could have told someone.

For some reason, I didn’t believe she did.

For some reason, I was trusting her now when I didn’t trust anyone outside of my family and friends.

She couldn’t have heard me. I made no noise when I came out, but she still turned around when the officer brought me down the hallway. It was like something compelled her.