Bru: Hey. I know you just left, but Callum’s here.

I sat up, reading the message.

Bru: He just got in. Says his deal wrapped up, so he’s staying in town for a bit. You should come home. You know, since he’s here and all.

I studied the device while Dorian got another call.

He released a large sigh. “Wolf again. Something could be wrong or…”

He had to take it, his phone literally ringing in his hand.

We need more sand.

He let the phone fall to voicemail again, squeezing it. He really shouldn’t be ignoring Wolf or his family.

Checking my own phone, I noticed only a little bit of battery left. I didn’t give a fuck

about it, but if Dorian needed to call someone, it’d be a good time for me to step out and get my charger. I had it in my car and leaving him would give him privacy.

“You should call him back,” I said, getting up. “My phone’s about to die anyway. I’ve got my charger in my brother’s car. I’ll step out and get it. Give you some privacy.”

I wouldn’t allow him to protest, and he watched me as I left the cabin.

You should leave.

We didn’t have any more sand, but I wouldn’t leave. Not yet. I wouldn’t go until Dorian told me I should or kicked me out. For some reason, I really felt compelled to be there for him.

I didn’t question this as I went out to my brother’s car. I found the charger quickly but stiffened when rocks crunched beside me.


The squad car rolled up without sirens. The word Sheriff was on the side, and I froze with my charger in hand.

Why is he here?

I thought about Dorian instantly. I mean, he had kidnapped someone. He said he left Mayberry and she could have told someone who took her.

Even still, I didn’t panic when the car parked beside my brother’s. The guy was alone and sometimes cops did circulate spots like this. Remote to make sure no kids were dicking around the properties.

He got out of his car, watching me. “You Noa Sloane?”

What the fuck?

I said nothing, too shocked. This guy shouldn’t know my name right now.

He eyed me. “Noa Sloane?”

“I, uh…” Instinctually, I gazed toward the cabin.

The guy noticed. Next thing I knew, his expression shifted, and he jutted his chin toward the cabin. “The suspect in there?”


“Sloane?” Dorian came out of the cabin, his eyes squinting in the morning sun. He placed his hand above his eyes. “What’s going—”

In a quick move, the sheriff grabbed me, tucking me behind. He drew his gun, and I screamed.

Dorian launched forward, ran at me instead of running away. The officer barked at him to stop, but he didn’t until the other squad cars arrived.