I was curious.

I waited for him to type it out and see what he could possibly have to say to me.

Ares: I’m aware both you and Bru probably want to kill me right now, and if it means anything, I meant to call that haze off. We don’t do those anymore to get into the Court. Haven’t in a long time.

Dorian had said as much.

I didn’t care, though, as I watched Ares’s text bubble pop up again.

Ares: Anyway, the whole thing was my idea. Honestly, I figured your brother would bitch out. I didn’t think he’d actually do it. That haze is crazy.

Well, he’d guessed wrong.


Ares: I shouldn’t have done it. I know I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry. I didn’t want him in our group. I wanted nothing to do with you and thought it’d help to get you both out of town.

Well, at least he was honest.

Ares: I was harsh. I was a dick.

I wondered why he was saying all this to me. Why he was texting me at all.

Ares: It seems your brother is as fierce and determined as you. Makes sense since you are his sister.

Oh my God, he was paying me compliments now? Who was this guy and where was my arch nemesis Wolf Mallick? He hated my ass. Point blank.

Ares: I snap judged you. Hell, I’ve been a fucking little bitch.

Me: Are you making a point? You could have killed him.

I shot off one in the middle of his weird rant because I didn’t want him in my phone, compliments or not.

Ares: Hey, hi. Uh.

I waited a second before he sent me more, and really, all this was super weird now. He almost sounded flustered.

Ares: Yeah, I’m making a point. I’m really sorry, but that’s not why I texted. It’s Dorian. I need to talk to you about him. Something’s going on with him.

And why did I sit up. Why did I go ramrod straight like I cared?

Because you do.

I called Dorian on his shit, and now, I was calling myself on mine. Maybe the dark prince had circulated my mind more than a time or two. Maybe I put more stake into him saving my brother’s life than I wanted to tonight.

That tended to happen when one realized he almost died too in that water.

Dorian really could have. He was an idiot for going in there after my brother.

My fingers shook on the device as I waited for Ares to finally come out with what he was going to say.

Ares: Basically, he’s real fucked up right now, and I’m the last person he wants to see. Not after what I did to you and your brother.

Me: Point, Mallick?

Ares: Fuck, little. Give me a word in edgewise, would you? What I’m trying to say is he came to see me tonight. Some shit went down, then he drove off like a crazy fuck after. He’s completely in his head, and he shouldn’t be out like that. He shouldn’t be alone. Not right now.

I stopped for a second, thinking about what he said.