

“December, why is Royal Prinze downstairs?”

Dad got back home before expected. He’d been gone since before the weekend, work. “And why does it look like you’re packing?”

This had him moving inside my room, and when he closed the door I turned, the middle-aged man who was my father steaming from the tops of his ears. He’d been pretty laid-back since I had gotten home. Hadn’t gotten on me about anything recently.

Perhaps, this had been too much, him seeing me pack. Because that’s what I was doing, packing for a road trip. I shrugged a shoulder. “Maybe because I am? Packing?”

“And why would you be doing that?” He folded his arms, not even out of his suit yet. He must have seen Royal waiting on the couch for me and come right up here. He and Rosanna were down there, the woman not too pleased when I told her I was leaving too. The difference was she couldn’t do anything about it. She wasn’t my dad, and instead of arguing with me, she sat with Royal, the two sipping tea she’d made him right about now. My dad honed in on me. “Where are you going? You’re leaving somewhere with him?”

I nodded, letting go of my stuff, and Hershey raised her head. She’d been watching me pack things into my duffel on the bed. I threaded a hand through my thick wavy hair. “Yeah, and we’re going on a road trip.” I couldn’t give him more details than that because I didn’t have any. I placed my hands on the bed. “We’ll be back soon.”

Dad visibly shifted red, his face filling up and everything. “You’ll be back soon?” He threw a hand out. “And I, as your dad, am just supposed to be okay with that?”

He was going to have to be. I was eighteen and could do anything I wanted it. That decision ultimately might cause me to have to leave his house, but I was prepared for that. I had been before when he basically kicked me out of his life emotionally.

I took a pair of jeans from the bed and tucked them into my bag. My dad watched on, seemingly at a loss for words, but when I crossed in front of him to get to my dresser, he shook his head. “You’re going out of town with that boy? I thought you were seeing the Mallick kid.”

I cringed. I supposed dear ole Dad really was in tune with the social activities in town. I’d never told him I’d been “seeing” Ramses, but I guess the pair of us had been really good at fooling everyone. After Christmas break, Ramses and I had gotten into a fake relationship to spy on Royal and the Court, only for me to ultimately get information about my sister and the circumstances surrounding her death from Royal himself. I was about to get more of those answers, something this road trip would do. I pushed my sleeves up. “That’s over.”

“Over.” Dad came around the bed, directing a finger at me. “Because of that.”

I placed my hand over the necklace, the Court ring I knew to be there. It was a sign of what Royal and I were. Though I didn’t want to get into all that with my dad, his accusations were true. I shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Maybe,” he’d parroted again, but this time his eyes were wild. His presence stopped me for a moment, his visible anger filling the room. His nostrils flared. “Out of all the boys in this town, anyone, you’re doing this with him? The kid your sister got wrapped up with?”

So now, his true colors appeared. He’d acted so nonchalant in the past when Royal had been here, like he hadn’t cared.

But of course he did. I saw that now and maybe just because of Royal’s father. I knew Dad worked for him in some type of capacity and maybe a friendship between his boss’s kid and me was fine, but this? Nah, this was too close to home. This was too close to Paige. I moved my jaw. “That’s none of your business.”

“Actually, it is my business. You’re my daughter—”

“And now, you’re taking ownership of that?” This frazzled him, his brow lifting. I huffed. “What happened to the dad who shoved me off on Aunt Celeste. Rosanna? Huh? What happened to him?”

Because he’d done that and to Aunt Celeste more than once. She herself had gone radio silent with me since I got back because she knew I was mad at her too. They’d both screwed me over, deserved each other.

Dad’s perfectly styled hair tousled when he wrestled with it. “I’m not debating this with you. You’re my daughter and you’re going to unpack that bag right now.” I continued to pack, and he pulled the bag. “I mean it, December. Now, quit acting like a child.”

At this point, Hershey was between us, my chocolate Labrador retriever puppy. She was looking like a preteen puppy now more with her size, and she came over to me. I held her. “No offense, Dad, but I’m eighteen. I can do whatever I want and I have before. Now, you can take my stuff, my bag, but I’m still going.”

“But why with him? Why have anything to do with—” He stopped, but not because of anything I did. He just stopped on his own. He dampened his lips. “I’m not okay with this. Please.”

He’d never asked anything of me, at least not like this. He’d never said “please” before. Like it was a request and an option.

My bag slid from his hands. “I just want you to be okay. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. Now, you’re right. I can’t stop you. But I want you to.”

I watched that move across his eyes, eyes that had never failed to judge or discipline me. None of that was there now, only a father asking his daughter something. Because I couldn’t abide by the request, I tugged my bag over, zipping it. “I’ll be back soon.”

My next move was to take Hershey. I packed some stuff for her too. I’d left her behind too much in the past and Royal said it’d be okay. I also had no resources I wanted to ask to take her. I was indebted to my dad’s housekeeper, Rosanna, for a lifetime for not only taking Hershey in when I had no one else, but me as well.

I started to pick my pup up, but Dad approached.

He raised hands. “I can hold on to her. A dog wouldn’t be good on the road.”

He’d said this so nonchalantly, and though I’d seen him bond with Hershey rapidly over the passing months, I’d be hard-pressed to say him wanting to watch over her didn’t come with an ulterior motive. If he had her, I’d have to come back. If he had her, I would come back, and he knew that.